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I think I would think of some way to tactfully put it on the STD's. People are going to start making their plans ahead of time, and you don't want them reserving a room big enough for themselves and their 8 kids, if it's only going to be them!

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I wish I knew the proper etiquette for this but I don't. I know that technically when you write "Mr. & Mrs. X" they are supposed to get the hint that only they are invited and not their children (whereas if their kids were invited you would write "X Family". But I am spanish and I was told by my parents that my spanish family wouldn't pick up on this and that most spanish people will assume everyone is invited including every third cousin they know regardless of what you specify. So if your guests are anything like mine I guess you should specify that no kids are allowed.



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I guess they shoud know that the kids aren't invited but I need to make it clear, just in case hehehehe...


I wrote it like this in my webpage, maybe I'll do the same on the std's


" For security reasons, children are not allowed in the reception since it will take place in the pool area "

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Originally Posted by OneLove View Post
i've seen this several times, "Adult Dinner Reception immediately following ceremony"...
But does this mean they'll be bringing the kids to the ceremony?

Hmmm... that makes me think I should put a note up ojn my website about hiring a babysitter at the hotel for guests that bring their children but dont' want to bring them to the reception (children are invited but I'm sure some people would rather not bring them!)
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