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The Person Below Me- Game!!!


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Let's play! We use to play this on another board I belong to. It's a good way to learn about each other without filling out the surveys we sometimes do.


This is how it works. I'll ask a question. The person that posts below me has to answer then come up with another question to ask whomever posts after them.


Of course we never know who will answer our question, so it will be totally random and can't be specific. And, of course it doesn't have to be wedding/SO related!


Here is my question:

If you could choose to have any career, what would it be?

The person that answers this then has to come up with a question for the next poster.


I hope this makes sense! ha! smile67.gif

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Originally Posted by Nic Dragomire View Post
thats easy.. I would not change what I do for anything and thats the truth!

my question is: if you won the lotto what would you do first? (after quit your job)
Pay off our mortgage!

If money wasn't an object, what would you do for your wedding?
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Ok theres 2 questions...

If money wasn't an object....well I would do the same but I would of flown everyone out there and got babysitters pretty much everything that I could do to get all my family there


If I could live forever...I don't know but if my hubby could too yes...if not then no I couldn't live without him.


ETA: Forgot to ask a question..hahah

My question is:

Do you tell your husband EVERYTHING or are there some dark secrets you would never share??

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Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
Do you tell your husband EVERYTHING or are there some dark secrets you would never share??
Fun game! Great question...

If I think about it, NO, I have not told my husband everything. I definitely have some dark secrets, but there has just never been a time when the topic of conversation required I even think of what those dark secrets are. However, if the topic came up I would totally be honest.

Q: What is your best feature?
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Originally Posted by Yari View Post

What is one thing you would change about your man or woman?

I would love it if he could hear me. sad.gif He went to the EMT today and our suspicions are correct....major hearing loss in right ear.

Question: What is one of your faults/bad habits?
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