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Morgan's pre-wedding welcome letters & template for making a brochure

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Originally Posted by chprfan View Post
Morgan they look great...I got mine the other day and noticed a huge spelling error on the front (DUH!) at least I only paid $7 for them...I think I might add the picture in the background on this round and have them reprinted! Love all your projects!!
I noticed things i would change about mine, but nothing worth reprinting. Just some spacing, dashes and parenthesis. It's much more obvious in print. I should have run one off on my printer before.
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Originally Posted by Rache1124 View Post
Amazing work Morgan! I'm jealous!!!!! and feel like a bad destination bride...I keep telling myself I have plenty of time, but I know the weeks will go by fast...you are very inspiring!love.gif

You don't have to do all this stuff. You could always just email out the info or print it on plain white paper. I'm just having fun learning new things & dabbling in graphic design, photoshop, movie maker, etc. I never intended to do so much for my wedding. I just found I really like getting artistic every now & then.
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Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
You don't have to do all this stuff. You could always just email out the info or print it on plain white paper. I'm just having fun learning new things & dabbling in graphic design, photoshop, movie maker, etc. I never intended to do so much for my wedding. I just found I really like getting artistic every now & then.
Well...I love seeing all of your stuff, and all of the other girls' stuff on here...and I agree that it is fun to make all of this stuff....I feel like I'm in a lul (sp??) or dead-time in my planning, because I'm waiting for people to RSVP. Like, I can't really put together OOT bags yet because I don't know how much of everything I will need (although that hasn't stopped me from buying the Spanish for Dummies books from Target or ordering the individual, personalized packets of Margarita Mix...I"m just buying this stuff guessing about 30 ppl. but who knows.... I just feel like I can't do too much yet because I don't know how many people will be coming...Anyone else have this problem?
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Originally Posted by Rache1124 View Post
Well...I love seeing all of your stuff, and all of the other girls' stuff on here...and I agree that it is fun to make all of this stuff....I feel like I'm in a lul (sp??) or dead-time in my planning, because I'm waiting for people to RSVP. Like, I can't really put together OOT bags yet because I don't know how much of everything I will need (although that hasn't stopped me from buying the Spanish for Dummies books from Target or ordering the individual, personalized packets of Margarita Mix...I"m just buying this stuff guessing about 30 ppl. but who knows.... I just feel like I can't do too much yet because I don't know how many people will be coming...Anyone else have this problem?
I'm in the same place too. I have 20 guests booked, but many more who plan on it. So I'm just estimating 16 bags. That is probably an over estimate for who will end up making it. But, most the stuff I've bought so far is pretty cheap. Also, stuff like the borchures comes in a pack of 25 so I would be getting 25 regardless of how many people had booked. I was planning one bag per room (so my two aunts would share a bag). If I have over estimated they will get their own bag. So I think you can take a guess & start planning now. Making stuff in advance is much more fun than rushing at the end.
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