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I had a Dream about you Sarah!


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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
The other day dreamed I was cuddling with my unholy boss and I woke up feeling so nasty! Thank goodness I don't see him often so I don't have to look at that face....dreams are weird!
Eww weird?!? I would feel nasty if I dreamt about my boss that way too Eeewww? I have had dreams like that about coworkers. And then when you come in to work you see them and feel like you have this big secret!! ha ha

Originally Posted by Sarah View Post
omg that is hilarious! We actually were watching a show yesterday about Rappers' wives (I think it was on VH1). I actually was talking to Jeff about what it must be like to be married to a rapper. That is hilarious!

Dreams are sooo wierd. My strangest, yet most vivid dream, was a couple months ago. I dreamed that Jeff & I were driving somewhere and he turns to me and says "I'm Jake Gyllenhaal". Really matter-of-factly. I was like "WHat? You can't be Jacke Gyllenhaal? You're Jeff?" And he says "Yes, isn't it a good cover up? I've finally found a way to get the paparrazzi to leave me alone." So then I said "Well what about your sister Maggie" and he says "She's disguised as Christal" (Jeff's sister). It was sooooo strange and really vivid. We went on to go to all these hollywood parties where I met a bunch of famous people... wierd.
That is hilarious Sarah. Well in my dream it was funny, I was meeting you in person for the first time. And you were so calm about dating him and you two were like night and day. Then I found out he was dating my girfriend Lisa too (she is also married and just had a baby in real life) so I was like...I'm stayin out of this one. Butthe two of you seemed fine sharing...
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lol. that is too funny, Rebecca!


I LOVE dreams -- used to keep a dream journal and analyze them all the time. It's very interesting and can make a lot of sense if you do it long enough -- but most of our dreams are either random or easy to dissect.


I usually have pretty vivid dreams. I hate the scary ones. Tom wakes me up sometimes b/c I am crying or flailing or something crazy.

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lol! That's hilarious!


Sarah and Snoop Dog sittin' in a tree...LOL!rofl.gif


I have to say, that Jake G. dream was like a cruel joke! I'd Sooooo dream-marry Jake if I could! CUTIE! he's on the list... ;-)


I had a dream that Prince William came to my house when I lived in Cali. It was SO sad 'cause he was totally depressed that we couldn;t go anywhere/do anything without people freaking out! he was seriously like, sit in your room and cry upset about it. It was so sad.

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LOL this is so funny! Rebecca you just reminded me that I had a dream the other day that I met Erica (Cessyboston). I can't remember what the dream was about but I remember being shocked to meet someone from the forum. I think Erica was trying to use me for something. LOl. It made the dream all the more funny b/c Erica is like the sweetest girl.

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