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I Hate My Job (long)


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rant.gifrant.gifrant.gif I can not stand teaching this year. OMG I want to quit. If my son did not need benefits I would ask would you like cheese on that. I am not to proud to go back to waiting tables.


I have one who is ADHD and his parents will not put him on his meds. He throws the ultimate fit everyday and twice on wednesday. Everyday at 2:30 which gives me 1 minute to vent he begins throwing shit. Right now he is standing next to me repeating can i see a calculator for math.stfu.gif


The problem is the boy is bright he is 7 and reads on a 3 grade level and math is just as high. I can not pass him because he does no work


Administration will not suspend him becuase that is what the parents want. "to teach him a lesson "censored.gif this is so they dont have to get up in the morning.


I love my job I hate teaching this year. Got to go i just stop by to SCREAM rant.gifcensored.gifrant.gif

shots.gif AT 5PM
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Catherine, the parents are just as bad with the high school students. When I was in elem. school I was one of the too smart for my own grade kids, and you know I went through the not wanting to do the work phase because I felt like the work was too easy for me. Have you ever considered making him "special" and giving him different assignments, I know its really hard as a teacher to do that because it makes more work for you, however if our ultimate goal is to help a child become a good productive person in life, I guess we have to sacrifice, hell we sacrifice decent paychecks and various other things to teach right.

Let me know if you want to throw some ideas off me. I know we teach different grades, but I teach all "honors' students so I know how frustrating this can be since I always have the more intellegent ones who get bored with the other kids.

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I am so sorry you are having a crappy year teaching! I personally thank all of you teachers for the hard hard job you have in this time! Please take some time for yourself. Do you have any old students work or anything to remind you as to why you became a teacher? Maybe a refresher? or a massage? Or a bottle of wine?

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This is why I'm going back to school and changing my profession......I'm having a bad day too. As you know I'm doing a long-term sub position right now for 8 grade Algebra and Geometry.

Well I received a letter today (actually not to me but to the teacher I'm subbing for and the parent doesn't know that I know the password), anyways I get this letter which has been forwarded to Principals, teacher, and district. This mother is complaining to the principal on why they haven't changed me to another sub who knows Geometry. She then goes on to make a list of all the negative things that her daughter and supposedly others have said about me, such as grades lowering, being let out late to other classes, my wardrobe not being professional enough (I'm sorry do you want me to wear a suit everyday!), showing my tattoo...which I did not, took my jacket off for a sec. one day and sleeve moved a bit and they saw part of my small tattoo, forgot to put a band-aid on that day.

And so on and on and on....


I was furious so I marched to the office and asked to speak to both principals....showed them the letter and began bawling in front of them....sorry not professional but I couldn't keep it in.

I told them that this parent has not called me once to talk to me about her student, nor has the student talked to me, that she is falsly accusing me of stuff and that I don't get paid enough to deal with this crap. I only have 4 more weeks so deal with it. I told the principals the only reason I haven't left on my accord is that I like the school and the staff, most of the kids are great too.

They (the principals) both told me not to leave and that they would back me up and this is the profession....

I'm sooooo angry right now I want to SCREAM!!!!


sorry for hijacking and for being so long.

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Originally Posted by DreaW View Post
This is why I'm going back to school and changing my profession......I'm having a bad day too. As you know I'm doing a long-term sub position right now for 8 grade Algebra and Geometry.
Well I received a letter today (actually not to me but to the teacher I'm subbing for and the parent doesn't know that I know the password), anyways I get this letter which has been forwarded to Principals, teacher, and district. This mother is complaining to the principal on why they haven't changed me to another sub who knows Geometry. She then goes on to make a list of all the negative things that her daughter and supposedly others have said about me, such as grades lowering, being let out late to other classes, my wardrobe not being professional enough (I'm sorry do you want me to wear a suit everyday!), showing my tattoo...which I did not, took my jacket off for a sec. one day and sleeve moved a bit and they saw part of my small tattoo, forgot to put a band-aid on that day.
And so on and on and on....

I was furious so I marched to the office and asked to speak to both principals....showed them the letter and began bawling in front of them....sorry not professional but I couldn't keep it in.
I told them that this parent has not called me once to talk to me about her student, nor has the student talked to me, that she is falsly accusing me of stuff and that I don't get paid enough to deal with this crap. I only have 4 more weeks so deal with it. I told the principals the only reason I haven't left on my accord is that I like the school and the staff, most of the kids are great too.
They (the principals) both told me not to leave and that they would back me up and this is the profession....
I'm sooooo angry right now I want to SCREAM!!!!

sorry for hijacking and for being so long.
OMG, I am so sorry this happened to you. Wow, must be a bad day for teachers today.

Just think four more weeks!!
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Oh ladies, I am so sorry you are having a tough teaching day/year. My mom is a retired teacher, most of her friends are teachers, and a lot of my friends are teachers. It is really tough some years.


I bug DH about being involved with his son's education experience all the time. Call the teacher! Make an appointment with the teacher! They have information you need. You have information they need. Come on!!!

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Teaching is one of the most un-appreciated job in our country. Both of my parents are teachers and it pisses me off that someone with pretty much the same years of education as a doctor, and responsibility of practically raising kids (since some parents don't do a dang thing) gets paid crap and never gets support and recognition. You all deserve way more praise for what you do!

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