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Anyone get married on the beach and NOT use arches?

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I am wondering if anyone has pics of them (or someone) getting married on the beach and didn't use arches. Apparently the $1,500 upgrade that we paid for does NOT include arches for the beach ceremony. I kinda feel like it's a definite must, but the cheapest version is $500 and I don't even like it, and was going to be bringing my own stuff with me to decorate it. They don't offer a fabric draped version. I "borrowed" this inspiration picture from Amyh and I absolutley love it, but am trying to be realistic and see if I don't have to spend the money for arches.


I kinda feel like w/o the setting the arches give, that we would be just a bunch of people standing/seated on the beach. I am hoping ot find pictures that tell me otherwise....

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I know, the only other option I saw was, where me, Matt and minister (or whatever), would stand, I saw a pic of them surrounded by a heart or circle of large conch shells. It looked pretty and all, but didnt hve the same effect to me as the arches or chuppha, and it even like ritualistic. Like a satanic ritual. And while I know that isn't what is going on, I just didn't love the look of it. We also wanted a sand ceremony performed, so I have to ask my WC how much they are going to rob me to set up a table and we might have to cut that as well. Stupid money.

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I didn't use an arch for my wedding, but it was never something I wanted either. Here is a link to my pictures if you want to see how it looked. Bear in mind I went really simplistic, it was all about the beach and the colour of the water for me: Facebook | Jennifer Hill Holmes's Photos – Bermuda Wedding Album


I hope you're able to get the look you're looking for, with or without the arch. From everything I've seen of your planning so far, your colours are gorgeous and just the bridesmaid dresses alone would add that something extra at the head of the aisle.

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Also, I'm pretty sure Matt and Sol didn't have an arch or chuppah. (Link to the thread with their pics: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14377) Of course, they did have the added benefit of Mayan warriors.


One thing you might think about doing is delineating the space with tiki torches, if your resort offers them? Maybe?


Also, I'm pretty sure someone on here (Jenetta) made a chuppah out of PVC piping. Ahah! Just found the link: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t1323 Might be worth it to check with her...

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