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Just had a breakdown

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I don't know what it is..probably the fact that I've waited over a year and now the wedding is only 16 days away. But I just had a complete melt down. I went from being completely excited about buying all kinds of things for my OOT Bags to crying mode and feeling like nobody is going to like the things I've made or the OOT bags or appreciate anything at the wedding. My stomach is in complete knots because I'm feeling like nothing is going to go right at the wedding.. I'm just plain freaking out!!!!

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I agree with Carly. Relax, breath and have some wine. Everything is going to be beautiful and perfect. You're going to have the BEST day EVER!!!! You should be enjoying this time, not crying. Cheer up and have fun with your last few days as a single woman.

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Oh no, that is horrible. I am sure you are overreacting and everyone is going to have a fab-u-lus time and LOVE what you gave them. Everything is going to be wonderful and beautiful and you and your (future) husband will be so happy and you will think back and remember this moment and it will seem silly. "Sending you happy and confident vibes"smile03.gif

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