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omg trisha, i cant imagine the heart attack you must be having right now. have you/will you do a drive by today to find out what's going on with the storefront?


i suggest that regardless, you immediately call the BBB and report them. in the meantime, what can we do to help you?

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My FI had a problem with a business that we had been fighting for months. We had good documentation on them, but yet they still sucked and never refunded monies they should have. I turned them into BBB and within 2 weeks, it was resolved. Money was returned along with a long winded apology that KINDA stated their fault. Idiots.


Anyways, I would tell them to resolve the problem or you're reporting them to BBB. I would wait for them to contact you though to see if your dress is coming in soon. If they call you and push the date back futher, I would ask for a cancellation. If they don't report them!

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I think that is a GREAT idea to turn them into the BBB - but even if you don't, I think you should buy the 2nd dress - you can always sell the other one here or on eBay or something - Who knows - if you let the other bridal store know how UPSET you are that they totally did not live up to their end of the bargain maybe they will make an exception - especially if you let them know you are going to share the horrible customer service with everybody you know!!

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girl- I bought 2 dresses-- I couldn't decide which style I wanted- a more "bridal" style or a "sheath/beachy" style- so I bought both --I'll use the sheath one for the TTD-- forget the budget in times like this!!! :) and definitely turn in that awful place to the BBB- please keep us updated- hoping everything turns out okay.....

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OMG!! I am so sorry this is happening to you. I second what Mrs.B 2008 said. Most likely the CC company will end up refunding your money because you never recieved reciept of your goods (Dress).


Good Luck, I hope this all works out SOON for you, so you can enjoy this time.

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Trisha - holy shit that blows! There is always David's. There are so many nice dresses there that you can buy right off the rack. So many more then when I went shopping last year anyway, there was like 2 DW styles. I am so sorry that happened to you! Keep us updated and let us know how we can help.

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Oh Sweetie!! I'm so sorry this is going on - totally not fair!


So, (a) call the other shop RIGHT NOW and see if they will still give you the sample (B) don't worry about the other shop/dress/etc. That will work itself out over time. If you put it on a credit card - call them and get it disputed.


And I know you don't want to hear this, but if the shop is gone for good, you can take them to small claims court and/or have a priority claim in their bankruptcy case.

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YIPPEE! Well, half yippee! I ordered the second dress! it'll be here in two weeks! It sucks that I had to pay this much for two dresses (well one dress and one dress that is missing!) but, who cares anymore! I'm so excited! not to mention, I got a free 2 night honeymoon for purchasing the second dress. That makes it a little less of a hit... if you tilt your head and look at it sideways!


oh, i am SO excited. it's Mori Lee style 5172... But it's a brand new dress and not on her site yet! Dang it! i just want to stare at it!


Oh, and an update on dress #1 store. my sister went there to see if they were closed. The owner was there. She was totaly nonchalont about the whole thing and just kept saying "UPS didn't come yet today." Well... UPS came while my sister was standing there! They are on COD!!! (that's bad). And get this... three LARGE boxes (not sure what else they could have been besides dresses) were delivered... but she didn't pay for them and the guy loaded them back on the truck and left!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! My sister was standing right there! Crazy.

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