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I HATE having stupid friends!!!


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Or should I say, I HATE that Brendan has stupid friends.


I sent out a booklet to each of our guests back in SEPTEMBER with all the information they would need to book their travel and hotel accommodations for our wedding. I even said that SEPTEMBER was a good time to book everything. We did room blocks at three different hotels and let everyone know that these blocks were only good until JANUARY 4th (this past Friday.)


A few of our friends told us they were reserving their rooms at the Pueblo Bonito Rose. Well, I just received an email from Tammy/host (who is coordinating our reservations at the Pueblo Bonito Rose) saying that NO ONE has booked there yet. Can you believe these peoplehuh.gif? Come on already!!! I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this stuff out. So now I have to try to get Tammy to hold these rooms a little longer while my dumbass friends get their acts together and books their rooms. I'm so pissed, I already did my work back in SEPTEMBER!!!! Now I have to do MORE workhuh.gif Seriously, like I don't have enough to do 3 months before my wedding. Morons!!!!

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I feel your pain, Jen! My TA held the room blocks for like 4 months, which was 3 months longer then they originally told me they could hold it. It's been released now for like a month and still no one extra has booked. Yet they keep saying they are going to!!!! I just want the honest "I can make it to the AHR, but not Jamaica". Cuz that's cool wiht me! Arghhhh! I totally feel your pain!

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It is annoying and frustrating.. we've all been there so it isn't just your stupid friends.. lol


Can you delegate the job to someone else? My MOH was more than happy to contact people who didn't RSVP.. there were just a few who I wasn't sure if they were coming or not.. got their cards or a call a week or so after they were due. Many cards were never received.. losers.. lol

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Oh geez, I"m sorry Jen! People STINK!!! If anyone ever invited me to their DW, I'd be the perfect guest!!! wink.gif


I did STDs, invites and even an evite asking those who we haven't heard from to let us know yes, no or not sure...only 2 responded.

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Girl, I TOTALLY know EXACTLY what you are talking about.


We have a website that is updated frequently and some people still just don't friggin' get it.


I have gotten to the point of being somewhat rude (not by choice, but out of frustration) with people who call me to ask stupid questions -- especially about the rooms.


I also send out monthly email updates urging eople to get this $hit taken care of.


Is Tammy able to hold the rooms any longer for you? How many people are booked so far and how many still swear they are going?

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Angela - that's a nice suggestion, but I think I'm with Ann on this. Screw um!!! I'm still waiting to hear back from Tammy about how much longer they can put the room block on hold. If she can do a week, great. And if people don't book, too bad. This isn't kindergarden. They've had 4 months to send 1 email. If they can't do that, then they'll be stuck paying full price.


Oh, and I don't plan on calling people that don't RSVP. I'm just going to assume they're not coming. I don't have that much free time to track people down because they're inconsiderate. It's not my problem. We're all adults here.

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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
Girl, I TOTALLY know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

We have a website that is updated frequently and some people still just don't friggin' get it.

I have gotten to the point of being somewhat rude (not by choice, but out of frustration) with people who call me to ask stupid questions -- especially about the rooms.

I also send out monthly email updates urging eople to get this $hit taken care of.

Is Tammy able to hold the rooms any longer for you? How many people are booked so far and how many still swear they are going?
Most of our guests have booked already but it's these handful of Brendan's friends (2 of which ARE IN THE WEDDING PARTY!!!!) that still need to book. You know, I think I'm mostly pissed because we went through the trouble of finding alternative hotels because the Hilton was so expensive. Then these guys say that they want to stay at one of the less expensive hotels but don't bother to book. Come on!!! Oh, and I don't buy into that whole, "Oh, they're guys, what do you expect?" That doesn't fly with me. They're adults, just like me. Get it together.
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