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So, as you may know FI and I are moving to AZ this week. We haven't done our engagement pics yet, and were planning to wait until spring time and then head out to our old stomping grounds (aka bar where we met!) for some picutres. however, now that we're moving this is going to be much harder. Plus I don't get vacation time at my new job until 6 months in...


So, now we're thinking about doing our engagement pics right before the wedding in Mexico. However, I'm not sold on this. I think it would be really fun and they would turn out great, but at the same time I had my heart set on pics of us at out hole in the wall bar.


What would you do? Make it work in Mpls or do the Mexico thing?

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I added a poll for you, Tara.


I voted going back to where it all started. I think that really adds to the pictures and the story the images are suppose to tell. Then again, Aaron and I had our pictures done in Mexico and they were a BLAST to do. We met on the internet though, so our pictures from our roots would have been boring! lol

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
I forget, where are you moving in AZ (what city?). There are some really cool landscapes in AZ that might be great for engagement pics.
We're moving to Phoenix. I asked our photog about coming to Phoenix (on us obviously) and she kinda skirted around the question. She's preggo so I'm not sure if she feels comfortable traveling....
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Personally, I think I would either make it work for MN, or I would find a cool place in AZ. I think I would feel odd doing the engagments pics right before the wedding...you know?


If you can't make it out the Mpls...and I totally understand why you'd want to do that, I'm sure that would be my preference too!...then the upside is that AZ DOES have some gorgeous places to take cool pics. AND it's also your first big adventure together! Your first place that's totally new to both of you etc. MIght be cool to have some pics of that.

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Originally Posted by redwards View Post
then the upside is that AZ DOES have some gorgeous places to take cool pics. AND it's also your first big adventure together! Your first place that's totally new to both of you etc. MIght be cool to have some pics of that.
I totally agree! However, I'm not sure that I want to fork out more $ for a photog, since ours won't come to AZ to do the engagement pics.
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