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The suspense is killing me! (UPDATED - With Pics!!)


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Thanks ladies! He can be a little stinker but is so cute it's hard to stay mad. Him and Ollie are still battling it out for the dominant position in the household which is keeping me laughing. Neither one wants to give an inch. I am hoping they will work things out soon though - right now Ollie just wants to play play play with the new pup but he hardly wants anything to do with Ollie. I think Ollie feels a little rejected, lol. Poor little guy.


Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian View Post
yay for new puppies!!! aren't they awesome! hope yours is more laid back than mine. that's the best christmas present ever. have lots of fun with your new friend.


and eww, what a horrible man that guy sounds like! what a meanie. i had an ex who's grandmother had an outdoor cat that wasn't spayed. whenever the cat had kittens, she'd drown them! i had such issues with her. anytime the cat had kittens i would frantically try and search for homes just so i didn't have to hear about how she drowned them. some people are so mean to animals sad.gif

Yeah, this guy is totally mean. He breeds them and then whatever he doesn't sell at auction he tries to pawn them off to rescues - they had to pay to rescue these puppies! sad.gif


What your ex's grandma did sounds so awful!!!!! I can't believe there are people out there like this. It doesn't cost much to have them spayed/neutered. So sad sad.gif

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