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Post your Beauty Secrets


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I thought this would be fun to have everyone post something that they totally live by to improve themselves physically (makeup or hair ideas) or mentally/spiritually


my two things that have totally improved my life are:


1. Yonka skincare: I have really bad skin and these products have made a significant improvement in the texture and glow of my skin. I used to use Vichy for problem skin for a very long time but I started to go for facials and my facialsit recommended this product to me. Vichy was overstimulating my skin and producing more oil which made me break out a lot...


Yonka pure emolsion is amazing...it keeps the redness down and gets rid of zits...here is there website:




if anyone would like more detail about the products let me now I'd love to share and tel u which ones have worked great for problem skin


2. My second thing is taking Acidophilus


I dont know if you guys believe in the healthy route but this stuff has literally saved my life...i was on tons of antibiotics when i was younger and it destroyed my metabolism


Acidophilus help restore the friendly bacteria that live in our intestines (called flora). Our intestinal flora helps regulate our digestion and stool patterns. Yeast also lives in our intestines. The yeast and the bacterial flora are constantly competing for space, and generally they keep each other in check. Sometimes, however, our bacterial flora can get depleted, such as when taking antibiotics. This allows the yeast to overgrow which causes so many problems.


so if ur up for trying something new I totally recommend Natural Factors that a brand of acidopulis


Sorry for typing so much

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Great idea Edyta!

This is really sad- I don't think I have any beauty secrets! I have recently started going for monthly microderm abrasions and facials and they have really improved my skin (along with my prescriptions for Retin-A and Benzaclin!). I now have one bad peely week, followed by three pretty good weeks.

I'll have to think about this one...In the meantime, I'll steal all of your ideas!

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Hm I dont really have any beuty secrets either. I know this is bad but I like going to the tanning bed once a week. I feel like my skin is so blah that a little colour just adds so much and makes me feel so much better.

I have heard a lot of good things about acidopulis, I think I might start taking it. I work in a hospital with kids so I am constantly exposed to germs and colds. I always feel like my body is trying to fight something.


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ok, here are mine:

  • i swear by obagi skin products w/retin a...my skin looked flawless for my wedding...i am off it now because trying to get pregnant but i can't wait until i can use it again....i have having these horrible hormonaloutbreaks and it was sucha lifesaver...random people would comment about my skin.

  • IPL in conjunction w/dermabrasion to get rid of old acne scars.

  • jan marini eyelash thickener/legnthener` i used to have scrawny eyelashes...no more. i don't even wear mascara anymore and when i do for going out, it looks like i have fake eyelashes (my dh and sister thought they were fake)

  • citylips lip plumper~it worked for me...they plump over time (about 3 weeks)...i have some progression pics i should post...
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This is a fun post!


I use clinical formula for my face. It is a face wash and a leave on skin treatment. I got it from my girl who does my facials! It has really worked for me so I keep using it. I love proactive lotion and mask for my face as well.


I'm obsessed with getting my nails done every 2 weeks and a pedicure every month! I use to pick my nails and now that they are long I have to keep them maintained or else I will start to pick them again.


I only use Jane Iredale makeup because it doesn't clog my pores at all! I love all of there products! I highly recommend it!


I also love all aveda products! I use there shampoo, conditioner and hair products!


And something important to me is that these products don't test on animals! ( I know sorry my FI calls me a hippie)

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Great idea. I always like to see what other people do.


I really do think that the best investment is to take care of your skin. I try to get monthly glycolic facials. I am fortunate and don't break out much, but if I maintain these facials, I have flawless skin. I also use a retin-A cream from my facial person from DermAware.

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Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
Karla, I know you have been told this about a thousand times but I LOVE your new sig. picture.
Thanks!! It's the powers of good photography!

I keep thinking of rotating another wedding pic in there, but I love it too.
I have so many of this pic printed out, I figure I'll get tired of it soon enough.
....maybe not!
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Ummmm ... now I feel like such a lazy slob! Soap and water ... I am awful. And I don't wear any makeup - I would have no idea how to put it on! My friends all tease me. But I will have to find someone on teh wedding day - I don't want my pics to be washed out.


Oh - I do love pedicures though - that's my guilty pleasure. Playing soccer does bad things to my feet - so I like to keep them in tip-top shape!

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