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Wedding Day Transportation for Guest?

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is this a MUST do or something nice to do? see i rather spend the money on a day before the wedding event.e.g. a dinner cruise or dinner......but we cant do both.....We are having a Luau (instead of brunch) the next day...no rehearsal dinner...nothing to rehearse....so what Is the rule on this? What did you do? What are you doing?

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i like to have all that stuff planned for...i think it just makes it easier for guests as a courtesy...even if it is just coordinating where people meet to take a caravan of taxis (but they pay) at least you are giving them some direction.


one of the reasons i chose an AI because i wanted all the events to be at one place to make it easier on everyone....the few events we did off resort (sailing cruise, fishing) were kind of cluster-f*cks...

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we are just now trying to figure this out for our welcome dinner. i think we are going to arrange group transport but ask everyone except our bridal party to pay for it at $10 roundtrip. some people are going to take their rental cars but i bet most people will prefer a bus.

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Originally Posted by TAMMYM View Post
Were having a small wedding and we weren't planning on anything other then the wedding and wedding dinner. I'm sure we will all go out to a club the night we get into cabo but it's "every man for him/her self"
i am really thinking we should cutt the cruise...is you wedding in another location than the hotel?
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since a shuttle was 12 bucks per person, instead I am putting a little envelope of pesos in each welcome basket. It will be about 10 american dollars. And I will have a picture of a cab on the envelope and it will say something like, here are a few pesos for cab fare, good night : )

Do you guys think that is tacky or totally unneccessary? Its sooo much cheaper than a shuttle because a cab ride would be 10 bucks TOPS for like 4 people instead of 12 bucks for each person

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Originally Posted by marfa75 View Post
since a shuttle was 12 bucks per person, instead I am putting a little envelope of pesos in each welcome basket. It will be about 10 american dollars. And I will have a picture of a cab on the envelope and it will say something like, here are a few pesos for cab fare, good night : )
Do you guys think that is tacky or totally unneccessary? Its sooo much cheaper than a shuttle because a cab ride would be 10 bucks TOPS for like 4 people instead of 12 bucks for each person
i think that is a great idea...
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Originally Posted by marfa75 View Post
since a shuttle was 12 bucks per person, instead I am putting a little envelope of pesos in each welcome basket. It will be about 10 american dollars. And I will have a picture of a cab on the envelope and it will say something like, here are a few pesos for cab fare, good night : )
Do you guys think that is tacky or totally unneccessary? Its sooo much cheaper than a shuttle because a cab ride would be 10 bucks TOPS for like 4 people instead of 12 bucks for each person
i think that is a great idea too, but my experience in cabo is that cabs cost a lot more than that...depending on where you are going
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