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Greatest use of my fans.....

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LOL! I have to share these cause they're cracking me up!!


He's either thinking "I wish I could dance like her...." or "Wow she's embarrasing herself!!"

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And then you go up like this....

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Then over...like this...

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AND THEN....hike up the dress!! Like this....

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What is everyone looking at...I'm not doing anything!!

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These are great!!! I love them. I hope I get fun pics like this. I love the dress you changed into, its sooo cute.


I hope someone will be able to fan me as well, cause its going to be sooooo hot. I will have to designate someone as my fanner.


Oh, and if anyone wants to pay for my trip, I can be their designated fanner, that is just the kind, caring person I am.

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