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Any 2011 Brides out there?

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Originally Posted by KathyW View Post
Hi ladies,
I am new to this forum but just wanted to add that Im getting married on April 6th 2011 at The Royal Playa Del Carmen. I look forward to this whole planning process, I wouldnt be able to do it without all of you and this amazing forum! :) Happy Planning!!!
I am new to this forum as well. We are booked for January 24, 2011 at the Azul Sensatori. Looking forward to learning tips from everyone. I constantly feel like I am behind in the wedding planning department! I think my next major step is finding a dress! :)
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Originally Posted by diamondpooch View Post
Soon to be McRae, I really like that new dress. I love one shoulder dresses with flowers on the strap.

Nicy, I didn't order them last night sad.gif I am having second thoughts about the design I picked out. I'm thinking of just going with something more simple as to not spend so much money. I'm also thinking of finding a STD template on here I like and just making them myself to save money. This being the third time we've ordered them, I don't want to spend a lot of money, you know?
We used Vistaprint to order Save the date magnets! Our family and friends loved them and they got put onto fridges...not lost in a pile of paper.
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Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 View Post
Thanks so much for the good thoughts! Yeah, I will admit I had a moment of pure panic, but I'm feeling better now after 10 deep breaths :)

I have no idea why this wasn't brought up when booking. My TA wasn't informed of this until I pointed it out to him...so it's not like they're even telling the people who are already booked!!! I knew there might be some minor construction, but it's sounding like they're doing a major revamp of all the rooms as well.

So, I may have to move to the Sensatori...which sounds wonderful as well. I'm hoping that if that's the case, we get a HELLUVA deal on our rooms because of the situation. Silver linings!!!

The Sensatori is wonderful. My FI and I did a site inspection of 5 resorts in April and ended up going with Sensatori. The differences are: Beach-smaller and Mexican decor, Sensatori-440-ish rooms and more modern decor. Who knows I might see you there, we are booked for January 24, 2011. Good luck!
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Originally Posted by murmel View Post
The Sensatori is wonderful. My FI and I did a site inspection of 5 resorts in April and ended up going with Sensatori. The differences are: Beach-smaller and Mexican decor, Sensatori-440-ish rooms and more modern decor. Who knows I might see you there, we are booked for January 24, 2011. Good luck!
Welcome and congrats!! Yeah I've heard really good things about the Sensatori, too...I'm just bummed because it's bigger than Azul Beach, and I was really going for the more intimate "boutique" feel.

But whatever happens, I'm just happy to be getting married in Mexico! And if we do switch over to the Sensatori, I probably will see you...we're flying down there on the 27th of January :)
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Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post
Ok ladies...
about excursions, I did snorkeling..dive...chichen Itza..Tulum...and this time I went for swimimg with Whale Sharks. Unless u are used to pregnant nausea, or wanna lose 10 lbs by puking urself inside out...don't go! but the creatures are majestic and amazing! I guess it is a once in a lifetime experience..as u won't go for a 2nd time! LOL
Click the image to open in full size.
Ok that is beyond WICKED! Love the pic and I would say it definitely was a once in a lifetime type thing. Geez sometimes you don't even spot them on those excursions let alone actually get to get in the water with them!
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Originally Posted by prettypigpig View Post
Ok ladies...
about excursions, I did snorkeling..dive...chichen Itza..Tulum...and this time I went for swimimg with Whale Sharks. Unless u are used to pregnant nausea, or wanna lose 10 lbs by puking urself inside out...don't go! but the creatures are majestic and amazing! I guess it is a once in a lifetime experience..as u won't go for a 2nd time! LOL
Click the image to open in full size.
Bonnie - What do you mean about the puking/nausea? Was it the smell of them?? Also, who did you do the excursion through? It looks like something my fiance would LOVE!
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Originally Posted by mexbride83 View Post
Bonnie - What do you mean about the puking/nausea? Was it the smell of them?? Also, who did you do the excursion through? It looks like something my fiance would LOVE!
heehee..no, the whale sharks don't have B.O. it was the water that was very choppy and our boat was very small, so everyone was getting seasicked...after 60 mins in the sea...searching for whale sharks.
I got 2 gravols before the boat trip, and another one during...and I still puked myself inside out! The trip itself was great, just don't eat too much and be prepared!
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Bonnie that pic is fantastic :-) this is something we definatly would like to look into... WOW, So jealous you got to do that and even more jealous you have been able to make a site visit!!! xox


BeachBound2011... Congrats :-) xox

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