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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Question for past brides...or current...I am a huge emailer - much better with expressing myself through written word than speaking. However, I think I might get quicker responses if I call Miami direct. What method did or do you use?




Do you think because I am 10 months out they might not be as responsive as if it was closer? I do like my girl she has been really sweet so far, and sometimes she responds the same day but lately its been 1-2 week response time.

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Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Question for past brides...or current...I am a huge emailer - much better with expressing myself through written word than speaking. However, I think I might get quicker responses if I call Miami direct. What method did or do you use?


Do you think because I am 10 months out they might not be as responsive as if it was closer? I do like my girl she has been really sweet so far, and sometimes she responds the same day but lately its been 1-2 week response time.
I emailed mostly but I also called once or twice a month. Anytime I did not get a response I would call. Plus its good to make personal contact. Also, try to ask for opinions - they might be faster to respond to a question asking them what they recommend.

If you are asking for price quotes, they have to send them to Lomas in Mexico and Lomas has to get back to them, so it depends on what you are asking. If you are booking reception or ceremony locations - I would want answers to that pronto. But May/June is a busy wedding season so that could also be the reason?

Here is someone else who helped me; you could try her too:

Roxy A. Daniel
National Sales Trainer
Premier Worldwide Marketing, LLC
Exclusive worldwide sales and marketing representatives for Karisma Hotels & Resorts
3191 Coral Way, PH 202
Miami, FL 33145
Tel: 786.497.5035
Fax: 305.445.1075
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Originally Posted by Afrommert View Post
Hey Ladies< i wanted to check and show my excitment for all the upcoming brides, Its so cool to see so many brides going to Azul Sensatori. We should be getting some sort of offsite wedding coordinator fee, we do a fantastic job of planning and support :) hehe
After reading a few pages, I see a few things have changed.
Chong, Im so glad I told you about this blog and that you found your way around on here- isn't it amazing!!! Looks like the gazebo fabric price went up on you, booo!! That totally sux. Sometimes if you write a email asking for them to honor the price you heard it was before their may be somthing they can work out for you. OR maybe even inquire about it with the onsite? Maybe they will atleast give you a resort credit and you can use they credit for a massage or twards wedding day hair style or somthing ;0huh.gif
Also, I remember trying to order drinks to room service and them saying no only beer, but we found an employee that was super nice and we talked to him about it and he said he would bring up drinks lol we threw $20 to bring 10 margaritas and 10 shots up and he did it :0, again TIPS GO ALOOOOOONG way. Believe me, he came back up a few times for orders lol.
Anyways, Im enjoying all your pics and so excited for upcoming brides. Who's nexthuh.gif Meganhuh.gifhuh.gif?? wink.gif
Heeeey Amy!! I was just thinking about you today like, where'd she go!? wink.gif

Good call on the tipping, it does take you far and I didn't even think about trying again to get drinks, mostly because I was never in my room. I lived at the adult swim up bar.

Originally Posted by gingerlover36 View Post
Question for past brides...or current...I am a huge emailer - much better with expressing myself through written word than speaking. However, I think I might get quicker responses if I call Miami direct. What method did or do you use?


Do you think because I am 10 months out they might not be as responsive as if it was closer? I do like my girl she has been really sweet so far, and sometimes she responds the same day but lately its been 1-2 week response time.
I too am a big emailer! I had Kiara and she would take a week to respond sometimes but always very thorough with me. In fact she emailed me today to say what's up and she loved my photos :)
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Also, got some more pictures my photog put up on a website, these are temporarily up if you wanna check them out :)

Amy + Daylen 2010
Oh yaaaaaaay this is what I've been waiting for!! Everything looks so fantastic down to the smallest detail. I don't think David would have changed anything! There's not a bad picture in the bunch, you must be drooling over them!
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Originally Posted by KittenHeart View Post
Also, got some more pictures my photog put up on a website, these are temporarily up if you wanna check them out :)
AmyKH your photos are just fantastic! You were such a beautiful bride and seeing your pics makes me so excited about AS. I have to be careful tho' because every time I see something from your pics I'm like "oh, I want the cigar roller, oh I want that bouquet, Oh I want the exotic gazebo, oh I want the donkey" hahaha... basically I just seem to want to copy your wedding :-), it looked like such an amazing time.

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Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
AmyKH your photos are just fantastic! You were such a beautiful bride and seeing your pics makes me so excited about AS. I have to be careful tho' because every time I see something from your pics I'm like "oh, I want the cigar roller, oh I want that bouquet, Oh I want the exotic gazebo, oh I want the donkey" hahaha... basically I just seem to want to copy your wedding :-), it looked like such an amazing time.

Hahahahahaha! Be very careful of wanting to copy her wedding! She had two years to plan and it turned out like a professional did it. I think we all have wedding envy over what she did. Fab fab fab!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Hahahahahaha! Be very careful of wanting to copy her wedding! She had two years to plan and it turned out like a professional did it. I think we all have wedding envy over what she did. Fab fab fab!

Don't worry, I'm not actually fooling myself. hahaha. But I find I get wedding envy from EVERYONE on here (and don't think you're not included in that miss cheesy.gif ). I'm just loving soaking up the awesomeness of everyone's days!! So gorgeous.
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Oh yaaaaaaay this is what I've been waiting for!! Everything looks so fantastic down to the smallest detail. I don't think David would have changed anything! There's not a bad picture in the bunch, you must be drooling over them!
THANK YOU!!! It totally took me a minute going... "David? OH David TUTERA!" LOL! That's the best compliment ever <3

It's funny, I've looked at them so much and totally love them and then start picking them apart and hate them, now back to loving them :)

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
AmyKH your photos are just fantastic! You were such a beautiful bride and seeing your pics makes me so excited about AS. I have to be careful tho' because every time I see something from your pics I'm like "oh, I want the cigar roller, oh I want that bouquet, Oh I want the exotic gazebo, oh I want the donkey" hahaha... basically I just seem to want to copy your wedding :-), it looked like such an amazing time.

Thank you! That's what I was hoping for, sharing pictures to get you girls excited, I had the best time of my life there!
LOL! Yeah be careful because Wendy's right, I did have a lot of time on my hands and ended up nearly tripling my budget sooo....

Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Hahahahahaha! Be very careful of wanting to copy her wedding! She had two years to plan and it turned out like a professional did it. I think we all have wedding envy over what she did. Fab fab fab!
love.gif !!!!

Originally Posted by beaz2be View Post
Don't worry, I'm not actually fooling myself. hahaha. But I find I get wedding envy from EVERYONE on here (and don't think you're not included in that miss cheesy.gif ). I'm just loving soaking up the awesomeness of everyone's days!! So gorgeous.
I felt the same way, with every bride returning I wanted their choices instead of mine etc. Just stay focused and know that you made your choices for a reason, I could have changed everything a million times but I'm so happy I didn't :) You're wedding day will be perfect!

Originally Posted by daniepps View Post
Beautiful pics!
Thank you!!
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