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Dreams Riviera Cancun - Brides post here (new thread)

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Originally Posted by Ewa View Post
Hey ladies... My wedding is nov 12 ... We will be staying at dreams riviera cancun but the actual ceremony of the wedding will be held in the beautiful chapel in Maroma resort and the reception on the beach in the Marina there.... Did anyone have heard anything or is planning wedding at the Maromahuh.gif? I need some suggestions ... Congrats to all of you guys ;-)
Ewa, There is another bride on here that is getting married on the 19th at Maroma.. You should talk to her... Good luck that sounds great to be married in the chapel there!!!! How many people are you coming with? When do you get to DRC?? We get there on the 7th.. we are having a legal ceremony at a church the day before with just our immediate family. We have about 85 adults and 15 kids coming... we will stay at DRC til Sunday and then head to MAroma for our honeymoon!!!
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Originally Posted by pbjwed View Post
I will be pretty upset that there could be 3 wedding receptions going on the same evening. Mine wedding is on a Thursday so I am hoping that doesnt happen... I cant imagine 2 DJ's playing on the beach and you cant hear the other group?? Has anyone seen thishuh.gif?
Okay so when we were there we saw two wedding receptions - but one was in a restaurant and the other was on the deck so it was no issue. Then the next night the entertainment team had a live band on the beach and on the other side of the beach there was a vow renewal with a dj and my fiance and I were thinking how pissed we would be if the entertainment team did that on our wedding night...just as we finished saying it the entertainment team shut the band down (I'm assuming the party complained?) but if it's two weddings...you can't shut one down...it's going to be interesting that's for sure.
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Some of you may have already seen our photos that I posted previously, but I went ahead and created a photo album on shutterlfy of the photos my guests took. We are still waiting on the professional photos. I'll share those once I get them. Please keep in mind that the photos taken at the reception are not that great. It looks much darker than it felt while we were there. Hopefully, the photographer got some lighter photos.


Here's the book:


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Originally Posted by Ewa View Post
Hey ladies... My wedding is nov 12 ... We will be staying at dreams riviera cancun but the actual ceremony of the wedding will be held in the beautiful chapel in Maroma resort and the reception on the beach in the Marina there.... Did anyone have heard anything or is planning wedding at the Maromahuh.gif? I need some suggestions ... Congrats to all of you guys ;-)

Ewa I loved Maroma too! We are having our ceremony because of this at Secrets Maroma and reception back at Dreams Riviera Cancun, note though this is a very expensive option. The Marina looks great!
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Originally Posted by pbjwed View Post
I will be pretty upset that there could be 3 wedding receptions going on the same evening. Mine wedding is on a Thursday so I am hoping that doesnt happen... I cant imagine 2 DJ's playing on the beach and you cant hear the other group?? Has anyone seen thishuh.gif?
I got married on May 27th at DRC and there were 2 wedding receptions at the same time with 2 DJs. My group is on the beach and the other was on the deck. We could hear the other party's DJ music during our dinner because they started dancing before us. But once our dancing started we didn't hear them anymore. It was not bad at all.
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Originally Posted by reaganlane View Post
Ok, so is anyone concerned about the oil spill hitting the beaches in Mexico? I've already got people who were planning on booking holding out because they want to make sure rates don't drop more due to the oil. I hope they fix it ASAP!
It's heading east (Louisiana and Florida) - not west, so the beaches of mexico are safe. The risk of course is a hurricane hitting the gulf, if that happens all bets are off. Honestly, the oil spill shouldn't be a concern for your guests or you at this point. It's a horrible accident but BP and the other oil companies are really doing everything in their power to get this cleaned up and contained.
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We r arriving to DRC on nov 9th, so excited ;-) no quite sure how many people will fnd up going but I think It will be around 40 not as many as you objwed - congrats ;-) - the honeymoon in maroma sounds great we r debating still which one we r going to pick ;-).

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