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Aww we all want everyone there it is such a shame we can't have it all. We went from having 23 people down to 18 now!! Still the main thing is we have the wedding of our dreams! We have our AHR to look forward to and know ALL our friends and family will be there and get to see us in our wedding day outfits so their not missing out totally! x

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Originally Posted by josietoms View Post
Thanks Michelle - im gonna order it up anyways as i know he will leave it to the last minute and then moan they havent got it in his size! At least it will be something he can wear again as well.

Nicy - i love love love yr dress it is beautiful and i really hope your parents can come. FI keeps saying to me as long as us 2 are there does it really matter about anyone else - but i think us women think differently to men - but remember you will be with the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with in a dream location and nothing can take that away from you - sending you lots of good vibes x
It is a really nice suit and he will defo get lots of wear out if it :o) x
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Thats the thing that keeps me going Michelle, i know we will be having the wedding we have ALWAYS wanted and it will be the wedding of our dreams without a shodow of a doubt :-)


I just wish it was here now... I cant wait to get married.... And become a Mrs.



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Okay so i have been invited to an evening wedding do in july and i have made the acceptance...


Well here is the invite:

Click the image to open in full size.


Here is MY acceptance:

Click the image to open in full size.


Sorry they are quite small, but when i put the on another way they are HUGE!!!!

Yet again im quite impressed with myself.... Just thought id share

What do you think?


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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
Okay so i have been invited to an evening wedding do in july and i have made the acceptance...

Well here is the invite:
Click the image to open in full size.

Here is MY acceptance:
Click the image to open in full size.

Sorry they are quite small, but when i put the on another way they are HUGE!!!!
Yet again im quite impressed with myself.... Just thought id share
What do you think?
It looks great - if i was the bride i would be really chuffed to receive it. Shows you have thought about it. xx
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Thank yooouuu!!! :-) Im really glad you like.


Are you geting on to TC tomorow Michelle? I certainly will be as its been 4 weeks tomorrow since we booked and we were told originally it would take 2 weeks to confirm wedding date... Hmmmm, longest 2 weeks ive ever had.... OH yeah, and they lost paper work too.... great, Hmmm off to a good start... dont you think!!!!



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Originally Posted by Nicyx View Post
Thank yooouuu!!! :-) Im really glad you like.

Are you geting on to TC tomorow Michelle? I certainly will be as its been 4 weeks tomorrow since we booked and we were told originally it would take 2 weeks to confirm wedding date... Hmmmm, longest 2 weeks ive ever had.... OH yeah, and they lost paper work too.... great, Hmmm off to a good start... dont you think!!!!

I dont mean to be the bearer of bad news with regards to the wedding date - but i wouldnt hold your breath about getting the date as quick as they say as its mainly dependent on the hotel and not the TA. We were told we would be given our date within 4 weeks - 6 months later we are still waiting as it takes so much longer if you are having a legal ceremony as they have to wait on the registras availability. The way it seems to work is they request a date for you and then its down to the Mexican authourities to confirm it and then the hotel - it just seems a bit of a waiting game. My date doesnt get confirmed until August. Come Aug1st i will be straight on the phone - lol!! But this does seem to be norm across the board having spoken to other UK brides as most of the Americans and Canadians dont go for the whole legal thing for this reason. Hope you get yours confirmed soon tho. xx
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On a seperate note - i dont think any of the UK wedding departments at the TA's know what they are doing - they just want to take your money and then deal with the issues - it seems to get easier once things are booked and the date is confirmed -then you can deal with the hotels wedding co-ordinators direct.


I did read so many bad reviews of booking weddings through TAs - but went with it anyway - i dont regret doing it but i dont think things are confirmed / organised as they lead you to believe when you first book x

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