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Mommies to be check in


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Aw, congrats on the boys Kayte! And you and your bump look beautiful! Any extra junk in the trunk will be burned off running after those two little munchkins once their born, so don't worry about it!


Courtney - Glad to hear you're still sleeping well! Only a few more weeks - so exciting!

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I had a crazy dream lastnight. I was hanging out with one of my guy friends and he went to the kitchen to get a drink. I was looking in the mirror and BAM my stomach grew out to a volleyball size and right then and there I gave birth. It was crazy. It was a girl and we named her Olivia.

I think the dream is because I want a baby and I say Gossip Girl lastnight

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Kayte- YAY! Boys!! How exciting!! Cute pic... I feel just as big and I've only got one baby in there! I'll have to get some pics up =)


Our "official" US is next Monday, the 24th, but we have ALSO snuck a peek at the little one last week in the ER (while my husband was working)-- and we're thinking GIRL!! We also did one of those silly Intelligender urine tests that also pointed to girl... I am waiting on official word before I start painting the nursery hot pink though!

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Originally Posted by jmb0902 View Post
Kayte- YAY! Boys!! How exciting!! Cute pic... I feel just as big and I've only got one baby in there! I'll have to get some pics up =)

Our "official" US is next Monday, the 24th, but we have ALSO snuck a peek at the little one last week in the ER (while my husband was working)-- and we're thinking GIRL!! We also did one of those silly Intelligender urine tests that also pointed to girl... I am waiting on official word before I start painting the nursery hot pink though!
Yay for working in ER! I knew it would pay off someday! Haha that's awesome your having a girl! Congrats! Good luck on your biggie u/s next week. Ours is the 26th. And yes, we need pics!
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Kayte- Congrats on your twin boys!! How exciting! You are going to love having boys. Now that I have a son I can understand why it's difficult to let go when your son is getting married (all though I'll never be one of the crazy MIL's!).


jmb0902- Congrats on a girl! Are you already purchasing tons of cute clothes?! I love seeing all the cute summer outfits for baby girls out because there is zero for boys. Saves me $$ I guess...


I hope everyone is doing and feeling well! I'm just counting down until we find out the gender so we can get started on the nursery. Also, I know this is my 2nd (and both pregnancys are super close) so it's a given that I was going to show a lot sooner, but I'm seriously huge. I was looking at my belly pics from last time and I'm as big right now as I was at 6 months with my son (plus 10 pounds that I didn't lose before getting knocked up again!). I don't even want to imagine what I'm going to look like at full term eek.gif

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It looks like I have missed out on some posts. Congrats on the twin boys Kayte, that is so exciting, and JMB congrats on your girl.


I keep trying to join you girls in the mommys to be thread, but it hasnt happend yet. We will just keep trying :)

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