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ROYAL PLAYA DEL CARMEN BRIDES: were kids allowed for the day? ...and other questions

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How were the non resort and Gran guests able to go to the ceremony? Just go straight to the beach? I think I read that they just go straight to where the ceremony is without checking in?

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Originally Posted by bridetobe1515 View Post
No problem! You ladies have been such a help, I would love to help you out with things I wasn't sure on.

When you first walk off of the resort and go on 5th avenue you will see a ton of vendors. They all yell at you to come into their store. We were stupid and went in. I went to a couple of different guys and ended up buying mine for $3 each. They were gorgeous though. Well, the next time I went shopping I went down the street a lot further and found them for $1 each. So the key is to do a little walking and go a bit further. Seemed like the further down 5th we went the better the deals. We found them at the General Store for $1. No negotiating but you wouldn't have to because they do have the best prices.

I actually didn't see a walmart, but I did see the MAC store. I still wouldn't recommend going in it. It was in a store with a bunch of high end items like Chanel, etc. Seemed expensive. I just bought all of my MAC makeup from home. Ok, not what you asked. So no on Walmart, but that general store and plent of other stores sold vases. Most were extremely colorful though and very pretty. I don't think that is what you are looking for though. I would pack something like your centerpieces. I actually shipped all of mine to Zulma and it only cost me $40.

I was happy I waited on the maracas. I also bought a box of cigars which were really pricey, but they don't really come down that much on cigars. I wish I would have waited on the centerpieces. Although I was really happy with what I chose, I think it would have brought more color to the tables if I bought something in Mexico. They have sooooooooooo much! I also would have waited to buy the girls necklaces. They have such great jewelry there. I probably would have also waited for buying their special gifts and all the oot bags. I ended up buying these amazing bags for $8 each. They said Playa Del Carmen on them and they were canvas and really cute. If you haven't bought bridesmaids bags yet, those are perfect. They don't really have wedding related items there though like cake toppers, etc. So get that!

Hope that helps, if not then ask away!
Thanks soooo much for the tips! I'm writing everything down so I can remember all this. Do you remember seeing any "OFF" or some type of bug spray in the General Store? I remember another bride saying to watch out for the sand fleas at your reception and I'd like to have some OFF handy for people to spray on them on the beach reception. Just hate to pack it if they have it there!
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The above post just reminded me of the past few times I've been to Mexico...


If you go on an excursion, you have to have biodegradable sunscreen/bug spray only. They are very conscious of the environment and ecosystem and won't let you go into cenotes and such with regular (chemical-laden) sunscreen. Some resorts sell it in store, but obviously at an inflated price.


Here is a website that sells both:


Mexitan All Natural Products

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To anyone that has done a site visit... Did you have to contact Zulma directly to see if she would be available the days of your site visit? How does that work? I know she's super busy so I'd hate to go and not even get a chance to talk to her or one of the other wedding coordinators.


Me and FI are talking about doing Friday night through Sunday visit and just getting as much info as possible while there. Last minute deals online are pretty cheap and seems to be worth it to get a layout of the place to set our minds at ease and help with planning.

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Originally Posted by smckinney22 View Post
To anyone that has done a site visit... Did you have to contact Zulma directly to see if she would be available the days of your site visit? How does that work? I know she's super busy so I'd hate to go and not even get a chance to talk to her or one of the other wedding coordinators.

Me and FI are talking about doing Friday night through Sunday visit and just getting as much info as possible while there. Last minute deals online are pretty cheap and seems to be worth it to get a layout of the place to set our minds at ease and help with planning.
Yes, we contacted Lili in advance and set up a meeting date and time. I did that for the same reason as you, I wanted to make sure I was able to meet with someone. One note, you may want to set up your taste testing date/time in advance as well. We didn't do that and ended up having to have the tasting the last night we were there. We didn't plan for that and had another restaurant we really wanted to try. Not a huge deal but something I wish I would have thought of.

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Originally Posted by smckinney22 View Post
To anyone that has done a site visit... Did you have to contact Zulma directly to see if she would be available the days of your site visit? How does that work? I know she's super busy so I'd hate to go and not even get a chance to talk to her or one of the other wedding coordinators.

Me and FI are talking about doing Friday night through Sunday visit and just getting as much info as possible while there. Last minute deals online are pretty cheap and seems to be worth it to get a layout of the place to set our minds at ease and help with planning.
When we went on our site visit we did contact Zulma before hand. She mad an appointment with us and for our food tasting. I would definitely contact her before you go down to schedule everything.
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Originally Posted by RunningBride24 View Post
Okay the salad from the vegatarian menu does sound good! Thanks for all of your suggestions! I wish we had more options but the filet and mashed potatoes does sound pretty good!!! :) :) :)
Yes definilty go with the 3 lettuce salad. When we did our tasting last month some of the salads were quite "interesting" haha.
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Originally Posted by smckinney22 View Post
To anyone that has done a site visit... Did you have to contact Zulma directly to see if she would be available the days of your site visit? How does that work? I know she's super busy so I'd hate to go and not even get a chance to talk to her or one of the other wedding coordinators.

Me and FI are talking about doing Friday night through Sunday visit and just getting as much info as possible while there. Last minute deals online are pretty cheap and seems to be worth it to get a layout of the place to set our minds at ease and help with planning.
Your US WC sets it up for you. You have to tell them date/time and whether or not you want to do a tasting.
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