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Married or going to be married at Grand Palladium Punta Cana?

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OMG Courtney!! what happenhuh.gif how are you feeling now?

You poor thing. I can relate since i go to the hospital often, sometimes waiting 6 hours to see a doctor.



aww the snow sucks especially in May!!!!!! I turned on the weathernetwork today and said Medicine hat is to expect or has had 5-15cm of snow just today!! that's insane!!!!!

It's almost over though I'm sure of it!!


Exactly, how can you expect to be part of a wedding party when you come last min!! People these days!!



That's bull crap!!!!!!!!!!! Def don't take the job, no one will except for maybe a teenager! You have a degree!!!

There will be something out there for you before end of August I'm sure of it. Is there no way you could wait until after you come back from your wedding?


Question to the girls who got married and made their hair appt online.

How much did you guys pay again?

I didn't make a reservations, i did it the day I arrived and was charged $90.


I still have to come back for my long story

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MilitaryMrs....that's awful!! I hope you are feeling better soon!


Sungoddess....I totally agree, don't take the job!!! I hope you find something, but that lady sounds like she wants everything for nothing! how frustrating!


carribeanlover....we are all waiting for your lost underwear story!


Back to enjoying the fab weather here. This is why I am going down south in January! Get away from the cold weather! Usually it snows for May long weekend though, so the snow is early this year! Hopefully the snow melts over the next few days....

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Just a check in!! I found a carry-on bag today -- white, big and steve madden!! I love getting good deals! I'm pretty well set now.


Def not taking the job - wasn't even a question about it, I was more insulted than anything...lol, still jobless but I have an interview tomorrow at 9:30 so fingers crossed about that!! I'll let you all know how it goes! Fingers crossed for me that it is legitimate and decent money!!


How is everyone's day??

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Grand Palladium wasn't our first choice but it was cheaper than the one we wanted and it allowed children (some are adults only). We made adjustments with certain family members in mind that ultimately for one reason or another are not going to make it at the end... My advice to you is plan it they way you want and forget everyone else!!! It does suck when u have a special friend or family member in mind you'd really want there and they sincerly can't make it, but that is all part of the gamble when choosing to do a destination wedding.


Some nerve-wrecking news: I just got an email from Carolina that she will be out on a medical leave of absence for the next couple of weeks, and will def. not be in for my wedding on 5/27. Did anyone meet her assitant Kenia?

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I didn't exactly meet her, but where ever Carolina went she was right there with her. And she was also the one that picked up my dress for steaming. She was great as well. I really wouldn't worry. They have sooo many weddings going on that they don't have a choice but be organized. To make sure you get everything back though, I would put one of your family members in charge of getting all your stuff from your wedding site while you are having pictures taken, as you may not get some of it back. sad.gif


Good luck today Sungoddess!! Woot!! lol


Tracy, I have vertigo. Which is an inner ear problem, so I passed out at work and couldn't get up off a chair or walk at all so my mom made me go to the hospital, and they kinda pushed me to the back of the line because they thought I was just pregnant. Nice eh?

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rgonzalez, We dealt almost exclusively wit Kenia. SHe was good and knew what she was doing. The only issue we struggled with during our planning session was that her english was not as good as Carolina's. We struggled with the menu selections and people's food allergies, but eventually we got there! She was on time and met us at the Punta Cana lobby later that day because we had forgottent o give her some stuff. I really woudln't worry about it. She seemed quite organized as well!


We didn't have any issues with getting our stuff back. I think though it was because our room was so close to the gazebo. We were in the 4000 block with the room looking right onto the Gazebo and ocean, so it was probably easier for them to just drop the stuff off there than to drive it back to their office. All our stuff was in our room when we came back after the reception. But just to be sure, label all your stuff if you can! They have a lot going on there!

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My mom was also in the 3000 block, and the most important stuff (ceremony kit) I took back myself! and then rest of the stuff, well I got half of everything back lol ah well!! I got my flutes and my cake cutting server so that's what matters.



I have heard of it, I have a lot of inner ear problems as well.

I'm sorry you've got to go through that pain.

I can't believe doctor's and nurses these days!!

I get those all the time, I was pucking for 15 hours one night (blood) and the nurse said it was all in my head, and wouldn't let me see a doc.. then when I did she already filled his head with lies... so I had to wait for the shift change 8 hours later (25 hours of through up before they gave me something to stop)



So happy the interview went well and it could be something for you for the summer.

Got my fingers crossed for you!!!

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My lost of things story

1 of our guest is from Ireland (his like my brother) he was suppose to leave on Saturday with the rest of the guest, so at that point we would of had 2 guest left who left Sunday (my parents) and would of had 6 days for our honeymoon and to be alone and get to use the Royal side (restaurant and pools, bars..)

The Volcano happened, and all UK flights were cancelled on Thursday, 2 days before he was to leave... Saturday they cancelled his flight and transport to the airport but with out telling him. So We spent in hour talking with the rep, and he finally got him a room but on another resort, the Bavaro Princess (3 resorts down from ours) so now we've spent all day and all night in the lobby bar our first day we arrived waiting for everyone, then spent another full day in the lobby bar seeing people off and then dealing with the Ireland guy and his room and transport (a lot of time spent in the Punta Cana Lobby bar!!!, which those 2 days happen to be a lot of sun tooo..how disappointing)

SO we paid for his taxi to go to the other resort, he was to check with the rep there and see what was going on. No changes so we said we'd call him in the morning. Sunday I saw my parents off and still no change with his flight, we spent the night alone, but Monday we re met up with him and spent the entire day with him. We went to lunch, then dinner. I needed to get drunk now!!! friday.gif

So we went to a lobby bar (NOT THE PUNTA CANA LOL) and got drunk on slammers (be careful with those!!!!!!) It was 12am now so we decided we'd walk MR drunky back to his resort since it was dark and his first time walking back there (he travelled alone) so now you got 3 drunk people walking the beach trying to find a resort we've never seen before.

We finally found his place and dropped him off, started our journey back to our resort (we were on the royal side so it was even further)

We decided to stop and take some pics of each other. Kept on walking on the shore line. I even realized at one point my purse was open.. Mike even ask me if I had my camera, I said yes so we kept walking.


My friends all had went skinny dippers at one point during our first week, and they'd come back the next day with all these fun story's, so I kind of felt left out, and said so.. but also said I'm a married woman now I shouldn't be doing things like that, especially with friends around.


So we're drunk walking and Mike says lets go skinny dipping (we were alone) I kept saying no,until he finally called me a prude!!! (ohh he hit a button!)So we went in, took off my dress and my bridal underwear,put my purse down.

Came back out, start putting my dress on when I realize a guard was sitting on a chair a few feet away from us, watching us smile35.gif

I hurried up to put my dress on, went down to get my underwear, but realized I no longer had my camera in my purse (no the guard didn't take it, he never moved, I would have saw him from the water) so I went into panic mode, took my phone out, start looking for the camera around our stuff, didn't see it...so we started walking back to Ireland's resort (but we were back at ours already!!!) looking for the camera....then it hit me.. I don't have my underwear on... so now were walking back looking for the camera now my underwear. We finally realized we weren't going to find it, since we were walking on the shore line I'm sure the ocean picked the camera up and took it in. Underwear was white so it was hard to find it.. I'm sure someone did the next morning. I stopped walking and sat down (actually where we had the beach party) I cried and cried.. Mike sitting next to me telling me not to worry it's just a camera, but I had the entire first week worth of pics on there, plus it's a camera my mom bought me. He kept saying we were with 25 guest everyone has almost all the same pictures, I knew he was right but the camera was still lost!!!! he pushed the right button when he said my bday was coming up, what a great excuse for something new (He got me there) so I started feeling a little better (don't forget were drrrruuuunk!!!)

So he was holding my shoes (balarina slipper shoes, at this point it's the only shoes I could wear besides the flip flops since my feet were swollen from the heat and high heels)


We start walking back to our resort, We hit the path.. when the beach meets the resort path... when Mike realized he was only hold 1 shoe smile43.gif

OMG now we start walking all the back to where we had the beach party, but he started running, ran there ran back and no shoe. I said just lets go...

We got back to our room at 4am, but we dropped off the Ireland guy at 12am.


Now the story is hilarious, but at the time, it was stressful. (Now I'm in search for a new camera,underwear to replace the real nice ones I had and and new shoes!!!!) LOL All we were missing was a camera guy filming our entire 2 week stay after some of the drama, then the losing things

LOL still laughing!! *Sorry for the long long story!!*

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