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Lose 10 pounds in 21 days

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Hi Brides!


I got this diet from a friend and it sat in my drawer for 10 months until April 7th I tried it and lost 8 1/2 pounds in 3 weeks. Its strict and I did cheat a little (glass of wine here and there and went out to eat a few times too) but it made me get much closer to my wedding goal weight!


Anyways, I wanted to post it for anyone out there looking for a jump start to their weight loss!


The breakfast did not come out that well, but it is 3/4 c cooked oatmeal.


This is from Oxygen magazine.



Oxygen Mag - diet.pdf

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aww, I can't open :*(


Ive been drinking 2tb of apple cider vinegar with 8oz glass of water. Heard it will help cleanse my system and speed metabolism in the digestive system. So far so good. Its only been 3 days.


Could you email this to me? :)

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Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl View Post
Thanks for posting that Amy. Did you find were hungry at all, or was it enough food to keep you from having a snack attack?
No, I was not hungry. B/c you eat so often, it was not a real shocker. I think I was having withdraws from processed foods b/c I did get headaches, but I drank coffee and after day 3 I was fine.

I feel great during this diet too! It was heaven. I am not sure why -no dairy, no processed foods - but I woke up every day happy.

I also have been drinking 1 Tbs unfiltered unpasteurized apple cider vinegar wuth 8oz water before breakfast and dinner. I have avoided getting sick and my skin looks great. I am not sure its a weight loss tool, but ifit works for you go for it!!
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Originally Posted by mnh1983 View Post
I wonder though how quickly the weight is regained if you go back to a "normal" diet after doing this. I just know I couldn't live forever without dairy or carbs.

I printed it off and read it this morning. This isn't a regular diet in the true sense of the word. It's meant to kick-start a sluggish metabolism, which will result in a significant weight loss, however, it's only meant to be followed for three weeks, max. After that you'll start losing muscle mass, which would defeat the whole purpose! If you're able to drop that much weight so quickly, I think it would give you that incentive to keep working out and eat properly, including re-introducing healthy carbs and dairy into your diet once the three weeks are up.
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If your idea of going back to regular eating is eating large portions and bad for you foods, no matter what diet you do, you will gain the weight back. For me, it was more of a motivator to finally see the scale move and now I am just trying to maintain.


Its not for everybody (you eat pretty much the same thing for 3 weeks) but it worked for me so I hope it can also benefit someone out there!

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Originally Posted by amybermuda View Post
If your idea of going back to regular eating is eating large portions and bad for you foods, no matter what diet you do, you will gain the weight back. For me, it was more of a motivator to finally see the scale move and now I am just trying to maintain.

Its not for everybody (you eat pretty much the same thing for 3 weeks) but it worked for me so I hope it can also benefit someone out there!

I agree! That's why diets fail in the long run. Your whole attitude about what you eat and the importance of regular exercise has to change or else you WILL gain back anything you've lost. I'm glad it helped you -- I'm thinking I may give it a try as I've been working out regularly, and being relatively careful with my diet, but my weight hasn't budged. This may just give me the kick-start I need to get my metabolism revved up again, especially at my age!
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