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Wedding Favors that help Haiti [PICTURES]

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Hi everyone! I wanted to share this with you since I got the idea from this forum. :)


After the devastating earthquake there were a couple of threads here about how you could use your wedding to help Haiti. Those discussions made me realize that I really wanted to do something to acknowledge and ideally help the people of Haiti especially considering that my wedding is on the same island as theirs and that I have friends from Haiti.


I decided to order small personalized crafts from Haiti to use as wedding favors. This would give my guests something small they could take home and remember the wedding by; while, at the same time supporting the Haitian economy and contributing towards the livelihoods of local artists.


I spoke to a friend of mine in Haiti who sent me some ideas. Here are just a few of them:


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I settled on these painted paper weights. Our initials and wedding date will be written on the back like this.


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Click the image to open in full size.


I've placed my order and should be getting them the second week of May. I'm so excited!



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