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Azul Sensatori Brides - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Oh don't you worry, your guests still have a lot of time to book!! Your wedding is still 7 months away--easy peasy! Don't let it get you down. Your DW wedding will be better than anything you would have had here. Your memories will be better, your guests' memories will be better...it's a win-win!

I feel very sure I'll come back and report nothing but fabulous news for you AB brides and hopefully I can help put you at ease :)
Thanks Taylor, that makes me feel better. I am just stressing over the little window our TA gave our guests to book. Why do they do thathuh.gif
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Originally Posted by JenK View Post
Thanks for the info! I'll email Sensatori to ask them. Would you book a resort hoping that not all guests go?? That makes me nervous but I really like a smaller resort!
Also, if by any chance more people come than you expected, they can stay at a nearby resort and get day passes for the wedding. That was our backup plan!
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Originally Posted by ~Katie~ View Post
Sara, you are probably feeling mad at your FI because now it's going a bit wrong and getting stressful. stick to your guns - it may have been his idea, but you agreed to it as well, and I know how easy it is to want to throw it back in their face when things start to go wrong (I know because a DW was my FI's idea and I used to get mad at him every time something started getting stressful or going wrong. Then I realised, when it goes well, I'll thank him for it too, and I did also agree to it.) I know it's hard but do not let wedding planning make you stress at your FI - just remember why you agreed to marry him in the first place and that when you strip it all down, the only 2 people who really, REALLY matter on the day are you two. the rest is all just a bonus.

chin up girl :) grouphug.gif
You're right - I am just stressed and losing sight of what really matters! Thanks for the support, everyone!
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Originally Posted by taylorwd View Post
Alrighty girls, it's time for me to check out, unwind, have some cocktails in the Mexican sun, and marry the love of my life!!! I have been on cloud 9 all day today, people say I'm glowing! It helps that my staff threw me a surprise party tonight, which was just the sweetest thing.

Some of my family is already there, and when I talked to them today, they just raved and raved and raved. HOOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAY! I guess we done good :)

Good luck with all the planning over the next couple weeks! AmyKH and Katie, I can't wait to hear where you're at when I get back! I think you're up next!!!

Thank you for keeping me sane, ladies. I wish I could take you all with me!! We'd have one hell of a good time!!!! grouphug.gif

smile29.gif smile123.gif WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!
Yayyy! Have a WONDERFUL time and I am sending dry wishes!

Sorry for all of the posts, I am bad about checking new posts and I try to respond to as many as I can!

I am going to SC with no access to email until Sunday! YIKES!!!
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Originally Posted by thefuturemrslutz View Post
Guys, I am WAY behind on invitations! HELP!!!! Can anyone give me some suggestionshuh.gif?

secondly...what sort of thing were you thinking? are you making them yourself? or are you buying them from someone who will design them? or buying them from somewhere like Vistaprint where you can design your own?

the more info you give us, the more we can help :)

but remember...it will all work out ok! smile123.gif
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
I did it! Well, I finally ordered my invites anyway. Ha. Ha. After taxes and a couple of extras I added on, I went a little above budget but what else is new? Oh well. On to the next tasks: photog and bridesmaids dresses! Wish me luck.
Yay!!! Congrats! Invites for me was a HUGE thing, this is definitely an accomplishment!!!

Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Revising my budget and decided to do a more updated "guest count." I put that in quotes because right now I have 15 rooms booked so about 27ish guests and we had originally expected close to 80 ppl. Now reviewing the list, looks much more like we'll have around 50. That's fine...actually helps a ton with the budget BUT looking at the guests who have confirmed or told us that they were going to attend...it's pretty much all my side! AHHHH! I feel so bad for Stephen. I don't know why his family all the sudden can't make this happen. He isn't home right now but he is going to be heartbroken when I tell him that his cousin declined.

What should I do about this? Should I encourage him to invite more people. (He had originally wanted to but I discouraged him bc of size and budget.) Should I email some of his friends and tell them to start booking. Maybe that wil even things out and make him feel a little better. I totally expect atleast a handful or more of his friends to make the trip but with none of them having paid, make me really nervous.

Has anyone else experienced a lop-sided RSVp situation?
Iâ€m gonna be totally honest with you, if your FI has people he wants to come from his side, I say absolutely let him invite them and donâ€t worry too much about budget. Youâ€ll be surprised at the number that “say†are coming and the number that actually do, people fall off etc. and not everyone you invite will come. I have definitely been surprised at who we know is not coming but it is what it is. I had a lot of people fall off as well, in the end all the people that truly want to be there will be.

Most everyone coming are my friends… FI only has himself and his BM and I had to fill up his side with people who are more my friends but still his too. Between the both of us 2 we have only 6 family members coming and no parents for me. I think with a DW you really canâ€t rely on 100% tradition half your side half his. Travel and out of the country weddings tend to make things a little unique so just know that and plan the best you can.

Originally Posted by Aneliese26 View Post
Hi Everyone,

I leave tonight!!! I get married on Monday!!! argh!!!!! Sorry I haven't written on here much but i dont know what I would have done without this forum!! Its been so nice to hear that everyone else was going through the same emotional roller-coaster. I should be excited but im a little nervous - there are some really bad reviews on trip advisor at the moment and the weather forecast gives rain there for the next 7 days!!! I live in the UK, the whole point of us booking a wedding abroad was to avoid the rain!! hahaha! Oh well, what will be, will be :-)

Thank you all for the posts - Kittenheart- thanks for the photographer recommendation, Chris is flying out on Sunday!! :-)

I will post a review and pics as soon as I can ( I always loved the reviews and pics) :-)

Thanks once again!! :-)

OMG!! How exciting!! I was talking to Chris on the phone the other day and he mentioned leaving soon for your wedding, Iâ€m so glad you booked him and I am literally twitching with excitement to hear about it and see your pictures (if you want to share!!!).

DONâ€T listen to Trip Advisor, people complain regardless and everyone is different. There will always be complainers out there and AS isnâ€t exactly the crème de la crème of hotels so what do they expect, The Ritz??

Youâ€re so welcome, canâ€t wait to hear back from you, have a fabulous wedding!
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Originally Posted by amandamarieb View Post
Revising my budget and decided to do a more updated "guest count." I put that in quotes because right now I have 15 rooms booked so about 27ish guests and we had originally expected close to 80 ppl. Now reviewing the list, looks much more like we'll have around 50. That's fine...actually helps a ton with the budget BUT looking at the guests who have confirmed or told us that they were going to attend...it's pretty much all my side! AHHHH! I feel so bad for Stephen. I don't know why his family all the sudden can't make this happen. He isn't home right now but he is going to be heartbroken when I tell him that his cousin declined.

What should I do about this? Should I encourage him to invite more people. (He had originally wanted to but I discouraged him bc of size and budget.) Should I email some of his friends and tell them to start booking. Maybe that wil even things out and make him feel a little better. I totally expect atleast a handful or more of his friends to make the trip but with none of them having paid, make me really nervous.

Has anyone else experienced a lop-sided RSVp situation?
I would let him invite as many people as he wants. We invited over 130 people and we have 45 coming. Plus, a lot of people say they will come, but don't actually book. We had probably 15 more people say that they were coming, but have not yet booked, or have changed their minds.

Hi Everyone,

I leave tonight!!! I get married on Monday!!! argh!!!!! Sorry I haven't written on here much but i dont know what I would have done without this forum!! Its been so nice to hear that everyone else was going through the same emotional roller-coaster. I should be excited but im a little nervous - there are some really bad reviews on trip advisor at the moment and the weather forecast gives rain there for the next 7 days!!! I live in the UK, the whole point of us booking a wedding abroad was to avoid the rain!! hahaha! Oh well, what will be, will be :-)

Thank you all for the posts - Kittenheart- thanks for the photographer recommendation, Chris is flying out on Sunday!! :-)

I will post a review and pics as soon as I can ( I always loved the reviews and pics) :-)

Thanks once again!! :-)

That is super exciting Aneliese! Have a great time!

Wendy, hope you have an awesome time as well!
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Hi! My name is Theresa. I am knew to BDW, and am trying to find a location with my fiance. We have looked at a number of places online, including Azul Sensatori. We have seen mixed reviews of the venue so I thought I would look at this thread. (I tried reading all the posts, but there are 670 pages! :) ). We like what the resort has to offer, but would like some honest reviews. Any tips, advice you have would be appreciated!



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