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Need to vent!!

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grrrr! Im getting really insulted lately! We just sent out our wedding invites and theres a lot of he/said she/said going around that so-in-so has an uncle who has been to our resort and it is "very dangerous with lots of guards and drugs...yadda yadda"...


This is really getting on my nerves!! Its an INVITATION people... If you don't want to attend.... DON'T!!


I don't mean to sound like I don't care... But We've done our research and we chose a place that WE would like to visit. It's fine if people have opinions on our chosen destination... but why feed it all back to me through gossiphuh.gif


Am I wrong to find this rude?? maybe I should just turn head...fencing.gif

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it's hard, but try to ignore it. Jamaican resorts are very safe.


for some reason people seem to thrive on telling horror stories to us when we're trying to plan something wonderful.


When someone says something like that to you, try turning it back on them and asking them

"Wow, why would you say such a horrible thing when you know we're getting married there?" they won't know what to say. It works...I did it.

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You will probably get a lot of this crap -- just smile, say thank-you for your input/advice and carry-on! People love to feel like they have something important to contribute, regardless of whether their advice is warranted or welcome. It reminds me of all the horror stories people subject pregnant women to, especially if it's a first baby. It's crazy! If they're so afraid to come to this "scary" resort, then by all means, encourage them to stay home! Who needs a bunch of nay-sayers spoiling the funhuh.gif

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I went through the same thing- an uncle that is not attending our wedding, told my grandparents (and my grandather has never flown- he's already nervous about that!) about the recent drug war going on in the BORDER towns (nowhere near us) and showed them cnn articles, blah blah.


I said the same thing as Kristy- 'Yes, I invited 60 of my closest family and friends to another country so they can get killed by druglords.'


They got the point.


Good luck- there are always going to be debbie downers about it and try to ruin the fun. Just don't pay attention!!

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I'm going through the exact same thing. It's difficult and very frustrating but in the end this is your wedding and it's what you and your FI want. No one would choose to put their loved ones in danger. You're right though it's an "invitation", they are more than welcome to decline.

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I totally understand. The first thing my uncle said to me last weekend is.."Have fun in Mexico with the drug war." Seriouslyhuh.gif Maybe these people can get themselves a little more informed and not generalize about different countries. I didnt plan my wedding in ciudad juarez.

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