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Tip Hair and Makeup???

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Hey Everyone! We are going to be flying out a hair and makeup woman to do the bridal party for the wedding and me the next day for the TTD. We are paying to bring them to Jamaica and am wondering what is apporpriate in terms of tipping.


Do you tip at all? Do you tip on the overall total bill (what all the services will be)?? We will already be paying over $1,000 to have her there with us and for the services we have estimated her doing. I am more than happy to tip, just want to make sure I understand how much since it is a different situation than normal!



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I use to be a waitress for 8 years in high school and college. I would say you don't need to tip her.


Basically you are paying for her services like any other client, and her tip is the Great Vacation she is getting. If its an all exclusive resort also, think about all the money for food and drinks you are saving her that she normally would be paying for at home during this time.


If you really wanna do something to "Thank Her" I would consider buying her a small gift in Jamaica and presenting it to her. Maybe a bracelet or some local crafts.

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Originally Posted by skadow View Post
I use to be a waitress for 8 years in high school and college. I would say you don't need to tip her.

Basically you are paying for her services like any other client, and her tip is the Great Vacation she is getting. If its an all exclusive resort also, think about all the money for food and drinks you are saving her that she normally would be paying for at home during this time.

If you really wanna do something to "Thank Her" I would consider buying her a small gift in Jamaica and presenting it to her. Maybe a bracelet or some local crafts.
I agree with you totally. A nice gift is more than fitting since you are paying the rest of her way.
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I am also is the service industry. And live off my tips. I don't think you should be tipping her. Your already paying for her vacation. That is plenty enough. Plus it's not like she is working for the whole week, she is just doing hair and make up and then gets to go act like a guest.

I don't think she would even except a tip.

Good luck, and Have fun!!!

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Tip? ? ? Are you kidding me? You are giving her a vacation in paradise for what? ? ? 3hrs work? Jeez...why did I go to med school....cosmetology is where it's at!


And I used to be a waitress too! For 3yrs, making minimum wage living off tips, and before that I was a valet parker for the Hyatt...and ditto...This girl has a sweet deal, I say no tips needed.

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I am going to agree with the others that say don't tip...although I know if it were me, I'd probably feel like I'd need to tip anyway. can you ask a local makeup artist, at a salon or store, what they would expect in a similar situation?

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