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Weight Loss support for 2011 brides!!


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Hi guys,


Haven't been as good as I should be! sad.gif I am slightly back on track though and trying my best not to be brought down by school or being tired when I get home.....today's goal: Get on that hateful elliptical machine and drink more water!



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Hi all! I am actually a Registered Dietitian and currently working on a Masters in Nutrition. I recently found an amazing book that I strongly suggest to anyone looking to lose weight, as it follows what I believe is the best method for weight loss. It is called "Small Changes, Big Results" by Ellie Kreiger, who is on Food Network. The book has recipes and you can get more of her recipes on foodnetwork.com. I've loved everything that I've made by her!


What I like most about her book is she has three components to her plan (diet, exercise, mindfulness), and she starts you out VERY slow and gradually increases all of these. When you make small, gradual changes, you are more likely to stick to them. I've learned this from seeing countless patients (and friends!) try to change everything at once by deciding they'll go to the gym 5 times a week, eat all healthy food, etc, and failing because it's too hard to make those big changes and stick to them. I also have seen too many people use the excuse of "no time" and being "too stressed" to stick to a diet and exercise plan. However, everyone has time to exercise (even if just 20 minutes 3 times a week), and stress leads to stress eating and the release of hormones that cause your body to retain fat stores (which is where the mindfulness component comes in).


I actually have already bought a copy of this book for my mother, who has failed on most diets (weight watchers was too hard to always count points, the food at Jenny Craig got old and was expensive, she didn't have time to go to the gym so a membership was a waste of money, etc). I believe that this one is easy to follow, no matter how busy you are, and that it leads to lifestyle changes that you can stick to for life!


Sorry for sounding like a salesperson, this is just the first "diet book" that I have found that I believe truly matches everything that I've learned in work and school. I hope it'll help some of you:)

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hey guys! It's nice to see other 2011 brides who are already thinking about getting in shape! I don't really have a lot of weight to lose (5-7 lbs. or so), but I am always trying to exercise more and eat better. I'm also in serious need of toning.


Whenever I feel like I'm slacking off and the scale starts to creep up I use a food diary. I have to write down everything that I eat that day. It sounds psycho, but it definitely helps! It makes you so much more aware of those little things you eat throughout the day that you don't even notice or think about. And as soon as I want to eat something that's bad for me, the thought of having to write it down and google the calories makes me think twice!


Good luck to everyone and hopefully this thread will keep people motivated to keep up the good work!

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I'M IN!!


Need to loose about 40 - 50lbs. My tentative wedding date is December 2011. I know I have alot of time. My problem is I start out like a champ then I fade. I've been addicted to Wii Tennis. Been playing for 2 weeks straight everyday after work. Family have said i lost weight. I will take their word for it. lol. Trying to find Wii Fit Plus..all sold out.


Gyms should have a fitness class for those getting married. I'd join in an instant.

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Originally Posted by rus View Post
Hi everyone,

I am fairly new to this forum but I did search and haven't seen any forums for those losing weight for their wedding in 2011!! Hope I am not wrong :)

My wedding is in May 0f 2011, and I would like to lose 75 pounds.....shocking.. I know!!

I know that once I am motivated to keep pushing, I can do it but it is soo hard to stay on track. I have fifteen months, and to stay healthy I should only focus on losing two pounds a week....so that is:

15 months X 4 wks = 62 wks X 2lbs. = 124 lbs ......SO it is possible but I just need to find a way to excercise every day! Being in school and stressing over exams, does not help!

Any ideas/plans/advice/motivation or people in a similar situation? Hope we can all help each other :)

Hi there! I just want to tell you that YES, YOU CAN DO THIS!!

Over a year ago, I lost 60 lbs and I've been able to keep it off. I lost the weight over 13 months (avg ~1 lb a week). My best advice is just stay focused, watch your portions, and go slow! My philosophy is that the slower you lose it, the more likely it is to stay off b/c you've learned along the way what it takes to be healthier. It's all about portion control and exercise. There were certainly weeks where I gained weight, and it can be hard not to get discouraged. But weight fluctuations are natural, and as long as the overall trend is the way you want it to be, you're doing great!

Oh, and don't deprive yourself either! If you want that piece of pizza, then go eat it! Just only have one piece, or balance it with a salad, or pair it with some exercise. If you deprive yourself you're only going to want it more and more until you finally cave in and then OVERindulge.

Just my two cents. Good luck!!! smile159.gif
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