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Who loves to Read???


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Originally Posted by butterfly4kathy2 View Post
has anyone ever tried paperbackswap.com?
Ive never heard of it, I will have to check it out. I have to admit though that I love buying the books slightly used from Amazon and keeping them. For some reason I love seeing my library grow. I know, im a nerd. Oh and I dont like to share my books either.
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Originally Posted by stacey View Post
Ive never heard of it, I will have to check it out. I have to admit though that I love buying the books slightly used from Amazon and keeping them. For some reason I love seeing my library grow. I know, im a nerd. Oh and I dont like to share my books either.
I don't share my books either!!! I'm SUPER anal when it comes to this.blush2.gif

I don't like bent pages (unless I do it) or cracked spines....
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Originally Posted by KAMAY11 View Post

I don't like bent pages (unless I do it) or cracked spines....

I have a nervous twitch when I see people crack spines...it just seems so wrong! My FIL teases me when he sees me reading my books, open just enough for me to read the pages but not enough to make it crack.
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Yay, finally a place to find more books worth reading! I love to read, I'm one of those people who will stay up until 4 am if I try to read a little bit before going to bed because I NEED to finish my book! Haha.


I read My Sister's Keeper (on flight to Mexico over the summer, yay) and was so disappointed in the movie. The book was great, I laughed and cried. Rented some from the library here and there. Bring on more recommendations, I am shopping used books on amazon :o)

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Originally Posted by Tifuhhknee View Post
Yay, finally a place to find more books worth reading! I love to read, I'm one of those people who will stay up until 4 am if I try to read a little bit before going to bed because I NEED to finish my book! Haha.

I read My Sister's Keeper (on flight to Mexico over the summer, yay) and was so disappointed in the movie. The book was great, I laughed and cried. Rented some from the library here and there. Bring on more recommendations, I am shopping used books on amazon :o)
I do the same thing! I will stay up till all hours of the night if I am reading a good book!

I am sooooooo happy I found this! I love to read and I am usually looking for a good book. I say usually because I kind of got backed up. I kept buying books, but with work, wedding planning, and buying a house I got sorta busy. I finally started reading again and I am reading “Remember Me†by Sophie Kinsella. I love her books and read all of them but this one, “Can You Keep A Secret†and her new one “Twenties Girl†(I got it though for my birthday a few weeks ago). I have read Jodi Picoultâ€s “My Sisters Keeper†and it was great, but not my kind of book.

I also read all the Harry Potter books and loved them. I have actually read them several times. I also read another book called “Wizardâ€s First Rule†by Terry Goodkind. They actually made a TV series out of it called Legend of the Seeker, but I donâ€t care for it.

I did read a murder mystery serial killer book series about 4-6 years ago by a male author that I loved but I canâ€t remember who the author was and what the books were called. I will try to find the books.

Yeah, I also donâ€t like to share my books. I only let certain people borrow them with the understanding I get them back. I like to see all the books I read and I will sometimes re-read them.
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