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I think typically they are for family members, or anyone you want to distinguish at the wedding. So if you had someone doing a reading or something like that, you could give one to them as well. FI was the MC in our friends wedding (locally) just a couple months ago and he got a boutonniere.

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Well, I'm still toying around with ideas and admittedly these don't look as real as 'real touch' but they are as close as I'm going to get I think!

My girls are all wearing different shades of pink/fuchsia/coral so I thought green would be most neutral and then the ribbon would tie in the colours.

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Originally Posted by amygirl1169 View Post
Well, I'm still toying around with ideas and admittedly these don't look as real as 'real touch' but they are as close as I'm going to get I think!
My girls are all wearing different shades of pink/fuchsia/coral so I thought green would be most neutral and then the ribbon would tie in the colours.
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They look awesome!!!! and the colors will look great with them!! You've inspired me now!! I have to head out and see what I can find today to try and figure something out!
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Ok so here are step by step pics and instructions!! ***PIC HEAVY!!!***



Supplies needed + some wire cutters and scissors...


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First, the orchid leaves are too big, so you have to tape them down, this gives you a stem to work off...


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Then add the orchid bloom and wirey thingy, and wrap enough to secure but you don't have to wrap the entire stem again...(I forgot to add the wirey thingy in a couple of the pics below, but I just added it after! lol)


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Cut the grass blades off and curl 3 with scissors and leave 3 straight to bend...attach with the floral tape


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Ok, I totally missed taking a pic of one step:

With the straight grass, bend it where you want it to bend in graduated steps, and then curl it around back to the stem and secure with the floral tape - if you don't bend it usually it will pucker or bend where it wants...


Wrap the entire stem with the floral tape and then stick a pin in the back and Voila!!


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Click the image to open in full size.


Good Luck and if anyone has any questions just let me know! smile78.gif


Oh and PS: I have no idea how to change the title of this thread to say that pics are posted in Post # 26....

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