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Shells your pic is awesome!! He is so going to love it.


Okay I guess I don't feel too bad that I don't have much information considering a bunch of you don't. I'm about to start with a list of questions for her. At least this time it only took a couple of hours for her to respond. Have to think of the positives or I'd drive myself mad!!


ha ha ha love the bum smiley

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Originally Posted by svetayasofiya View Post
Holy sh*&t Shells that picture is really sexy AND classy! makes me wish I did one... undecided.gif Although... I'd still be afraid it would end up in the wrong hands, but then again if I looked that hot maybe I wouldnt care... bootyshake.gif lol
My fear is the kids would find it.... My son would tease te hell out of me.... When I was single I was getting ready to go out with my gfriends and I had a very short skirt on and he told me, "your my mother now go change, I won't have you dressed like that". It was pretty funny..... I did change...lol

i really have loved seeing the pictures these gals have shared online of their photo shoots. I really think is very important in a relationship to be that open and confortable in your own skin.. I think men find that very exciting and challenging. My drug induced 2cents....
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Originally Posted by shellk View Post
krista,try not to worry too much.all that we can do is book place,time,reception restaurant and thats it till you get a meeting a couple of days before the wedding.i know its really frustrating but have to try and think they know what they are doing.


timberley,i hope you have a great time in vegas and im glad to hear your bd shoot went ok.i have attached a pic from mine.its not the best but its the only one she has given me so far.hopefully will get some more sunday when i meet her.

its snowed here today its soo god damn cold bring on the mexican heat.

susie,hope your feeling better soon.

wowza hot momma! I did that pose too :)
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I just wanted to say I love you guys! i am so glad this thread got started. I hope that we keep in touch for the years to come! feeling nostalgic today... picked up my invitations and they are beautiful! Ana really out did herself. For the first time it really really feels real! i am getting married!!!!


I :heart: you guys.






btw- I asked my FI if I should do a boudoir shoot... he said yes! until he found out I wouldn't actually be fully naked.... smile120.gif i said- so what you would like then is for me to do a porn shoot! lookatme.gif don't think so........ I have to go now... I hear FI slamming doors looking for the chocolates.........

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ha ha ha ha porno shoot - now that would be the opposite of Shells - you wouldn't keep your legs closed. When I read slamming doors I thought maybe he was mad that you wouldn't do it ha ha ha ha


I agree about this thread - I will follow the sappyness. It's nice to share this great event with girls that totally understand everything I'm going through. It's either I come here and rant or rant on the FI - so he thanks you too, he just doesn't know it. ha ha ha


Oh funny thing. I said hey someone on the forum suggested this electronic mouse thingie...he says "You asked people on there?" I said "Yes I did". He's said "Isn't it a wedding forum?" I looked at him and said "Yes, and??" ha ha ha He continued to watch tv. ha ha ha

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I don't think my waist is that small guys....I am turned sideways a bit in the photo because I thought it would make me look slimmer- I guess it worked! Thanks guys:) Now if I can just look slim and svelte in my bikini in Feb! Argh that Christmas and all the food and munchies and this dummy goes and signs up for the bake exchange? oops.gif Have you guys tried toblerone fudge squares? Umm....I am actually hoping FI eats the rest of those before I get home!


Tricia - I am sorry you didn't like all your stuff from VSsad.gif I order from them a couple times a year and find that for clothes I need to order two sizes in each article because they don't always fit the size they claim. I don't really mind excpet that right now with the exchange and shipping that can add up. Ah the price we pay to look beautiful!


Sue...I got the emails....I did't have about half of what you sent me! So thank you again. I hope you feel better soon. My nephew was pretty sick the other day, but it only seemed to be bad for the one day and then he was just kinda weak the next day. Now he is good as new, so here's hoping that is all you have as well.

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Krista I feel bad for you. I thought I was getting jerked around a month ago about the photographer deal at our resort and then the speakers! At least they did get back to me on those things and my site was booked. Have you checked to see if there is a thread on this site specific to your resort? Maybe you could start one if not....maybe someone else is having better communications and can share some of their info with you.


Brooke...no chicken dance? huh.gif Why on earth not? It is smooth and elegant and ....oh I can't...I just cracked up trying to write this! What people flapping their arms and bobing around isn't fun to see? I am half Ukranian and when I was a kid we went to tons of huge huge weddings. The chicken dance and the butterfly (I think that is what it is called) were our favorites! We were 8 years old, but funny that is not a tradition I want to continue!


I do hope you hear back from your new WC soon. Did they fire the old one? Hmmm that must have been a great letter! You go girl!


Shells - your picture is awesome! WOW! Your FI is going to love them!

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