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Any TTCer's out there?


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I have a silly question for you girls. DH and I are going to start TTC in April. Due to health issues we are not sure if I am going to be able to concieve or not. I want to make sure that my body is as ready as possible when we do start trying. Is there any advise that you have learned along the way, of things that you can do help your body? I know the obvious one like take pre natal pills, but..... anything else?

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Yes there is. However, I am running out the door for Noel Night. Our main street stays open late with Christmas goodies and every store has sales and it's really fun. So I can't write. If you have any more information on why you think you can't conceive easily that would help. But there is alot of things to do to help your body. I will write more later! One that sticks out is for your DH. Your DH makes sperm 6 months in advance. So say you're gonna get preggo six months from now. He made that sperm today. So what he does today affects 6 months out. So he gets hammered tonight that will make the sperm less effective later. Hope that made sense. Anyways off to shop and I will come back!!

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Damn, Calia, I didn't know that sperm were 6 months old. I thought they were always replenished like immediately since they say when you are TTC you should have sex every other day to let the sperm build back up. Good to know.


Stacey & Yael, my only advice would be to start tracking your period. Sign up for Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - Fertility Charting and start tracking your temps in the morning (basal body temperature), your cervical fluid (I don't really pay attention to this one, but I should), and any other things that you can track.


The reason I find this important is b/c as explained in post #92, I had an unexpected pregnancy that ended up being ectoptic and resulted in the lose of a fallopian tube. Now that my fertility is decreased by 50% and we are TTC, it puts alot of pressure on me. If I had been tracking before, I would understand my body a little better and hopefully know what's going on more now. This is our third cycle that we are trying so it's not super long, but it's a frustrating process. It's like planning your wedding, in that once you make the decision to TTC, it consumes you. At least it does me. It's like all I can think about. If I had been tracking before, I would know when I got prego, wht my temps were like, etc. So that would help me understand what's going on now, even though my cycles are still all wonky.


Oh, and if you start pre-natals and they make you nauseous/sick/burpy or anything try another brand. I used to always tried to take vitamins from CVS for years and years and they always made me SO sick to the point where I would never end up taking them for very long. I know buy all my vitamins from Whole Foods and I don't get the least bit nauseous or anything. So don't be discouraged if something doesn't feel right, just shop around.


Good luck once you start!

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Calia and Carly, thank you.


I had no idea about the sperm thing. I need to find a way to break that to DH. he thought TTC was going to be a lot of fun for him!


In terms of TTC I was worried about it consuming your life like planning a wedding, I was hoping that this would be diffrent, clearly its not. I will check out that web site. I have avoided learning about charting, I guess now is the time to learn!!


Thanks again for the advise

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I agree with Carly, 100%! Start tracking your cycles so you will have a better understanding of your body and know about when you are going to ovulate. I used Fertility Friend and really learned a lot from it.


Also, there is a multi-vitamin you can take along with your pre-natals called FertilAid. I used the generic version of it from Target (Origins brand).


Good Luck TTC!!!!! It was a long road for DH and I but we finally got our BFP from an IUI.. I hope the journey is a short one for you all!

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I agree with Carly, 100%! Start tracking your cycles so you will have a better understanding of your body and know about when you are going to ovulate. I used Fertility Friend and really learned a lot from it.


Also, there is a multi-vitamin you can take along with your pre-natals called FertilAid. I used the generic version of it from Target (Origins brand).


Good Luck TTC!!!!! It was a long road for DH and I but we finally got our BFP from an IUI.. I hope the journey is a short one for you all!

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