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April 2010 Brides

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Hey Christina,


The letter sounds great and comes across very friendly and not pushy IMO. I think the only small addition I would make it would be to add your TA's name in so that your guests all know how it is that they're contacting. Plus, then you don't have to make lots of references to 'he' and 'him' which might be a little more clear for your guests.


But otherwise I think your guests will take it for what it is - a friendly reminder with updated info!

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Wow you ladies are way ahead of me! And I'm trying not to be a procrastinator, but I've just been so busy with work. I still need to order my OOT bags (and almost everything that goes in them) and I haven't even started on welcome packets, etc. Are most of you sending your guests something in advance, like a Getting to know the Guests book or something? I think I'm just getting overwhelmed with the amount of people going. We're over 35 now and I didn't even think we'd have 20!

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Tonir - I'm probably not sending a whole lot in the mail before hand since a lot of our friends coming to Mexico are people that we see on a weekly/daily basis anyways. Most likely it'll just be a reminder to make sure they have everything in order, and direct them back to the website for any last minute reminders leading up to the trip. I'd thought of putting together a Guest book with all their pictures but for my group I just don't think it'll be necessary.


I know it's harder when you start getting a larger group (I'm around 26 ppl now) but the guest book would be pretty easy to keep up with until you need to send it because after you get through the group that has already booked, you could just add people in as you go. Someone on another thread had a really great looking book that they put together using those little vinyl covered photo albums from the dollar store. I'd guess they usually have 20-40 pages so you could do a couple of people per page and still be able to personalize the cover and everything?!

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So we all have about 4 months to go until our weddings...I feel like I have done a lot of planning but still feel like maybe I'm forgetting to do something. at the moment, i think i am just waiting for a few more people to book and waiting for my dress to come in to start my fittings. I'm going to look for shoes next weekend and I have my bd shoot scheduled for next month. what do you girls still need to do?

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I have so much still to do


With everything that has happened this year I felt like my wedding was never going to happen (things always put a hold on planning)


Let me explain

We booked in april 2009 and everything was fine mum and dad offered to pay for me and chris as a gift and his mum and dad offered to pay for the wedding package

Dad also told me he would pay for my dress plus bridesmaid dresses so this really took away financial burden leaving us with the AHR to pay for and grooms outfit


In may my dad left my mum for another woman so this sort of destroyed all happiness we had the month before

Throughout the summer my dad and mum fought about everything so the wedding went on hold (well planning wise anyway)

In September I started to get back on track then dad sent divorce papers and destroyed my mum again

We went dress shopping in October and I called my dad to get the deposit paid and got no answer

Ok I thought maybe he will call back

He did 2 days later and basically told me he was not paying for anything

After my little sister managed to talk some sense into him he agreed that him and mum would split the bill down the middle

So I still had some concerns but thought I would carry on with planning etc

Then tragically at the end of October my sisters boyfriend died at the age of 24

So as you can imagine last month was traumatising for everyone

So now we are in December coping as best we all can and I still haven’t finished finalising anything and still worrying about finances and how my sister is going to cope xx

I have booked my AHR venue , DJ and photographer so I am not too far behind (I hope)



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OMG Jodi, you've had a rough year! Hopefully things will start to smooth out and go better soon.



Things I have to do:

OOT bags and everything associated with them

Schedule BD shoot (waiting for more weight loss) Joanna - are you using someone in NYC or Jersey?

follow up on Non responders - they have till 12/31 - have gotten less than half

Create music playlists

figure out hair and veil situation

I'm sure there's more. I can't think right now!

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Well Over the weekend I found out 6 more people are coming, so that makes us at 23 people. Which is just amazing, because i didn't think we would be anymore then 10 including me and the FI but this # isn't even counting us!! It just would be nice if one of the FI's friend actually come through for him and make it down.

I still have enough to do, but I also feel like I am missing something, like I forgot about that isn't written down or even thought of. I keep getting bad dreams about this.

Here is what I still need to do (that I can think of)

- FI shirt/tie

- find GM

- GM attire

-something new, old, and borrowed

- docking system for Ipod with speaker’s

- decide menu for reception

- download most songs and put on Ipod

- decide make-up/hair

- BM tote bag and towel (with their names)

- OOT Bag: type up welcome letter/things to do

tote bag (for guest who rsvp after I bought the bags on Friday)

hang over kit

shot glass for men

Print Spanish for dummies (Print a Free Pocket-Sized Phrase Booklet | Spanish - Espaol)

Print cross word puzzle book

Print resort map/list of room # for guest

Deck of cards (not sure if I will go through with this one)

- wedding games for cocktail hour (waiting for dinner to start)

- arrange meet and greet for guest

- translate/legalize all papers/noterize

- Cat sitter (Toby, Frank, Chris,Mark)

- Good strapless bra

- favours (Lanterns)

- Candle for lanterns

- White chalk (covers wedding dress stains)

- sand kit (3 types of sand)

Oh my.. will it ever end.. plus the whole Xmas stuff it's getting in the middle of my wedding planning lol!!

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