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OMG! I just went to the travel agent to officially book my trip and I am in complete shock! For 2 weeks it will be over $6000 for my Fiance and I, a double room for a week including airfare from JFK NY was $3600 (his parents) and his sister with 2 kids were $5800!!!!!! OMGOMGOMG! My FI got upset b/c I said we should just forget it and go on an African safari, lol!


$3600 for 2 people for a week!!!!!!!! I thought August was the low season! I traveled to Russia, China, Mongolia, and Japan for a month and it cost less than 2 weeks at the Moon Palace! My FI insists it wil be okay and not to worry b/c we will get the free room nights (we have almost 10 already) and get at least 4 nights comped but still.


I am stressing b/c with the dress, photography, ceremony, and travel fees this is turning out to be an expensive event. It is still not as much as if it would be if we had it in NY, but still....


I am so worried now because that is so much money to ask people to spend. My cousin who is a bridesmaid is not coming now sO I am worried that everyone else will back out b/c of the price. I know his people won't but I am concerned about mine!'


If people stay off the resort is there a limit on day passes? Can they only come in the day of your wedding or can they come in whatever day you want? SO MUCH $$$!!!

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Hii Slapslappyhappy


Ohhh how much I relate with u.. I am also from NY and the airfare alone from Newark to Cancun is a bit high right now. We have had people say they are coming to now not sure..and as it gets closer I am getting worried. It def. is saving us money in the end, bc having a wedding in NY is quite the expensive. I have had friends spend over 50,000 on a wedding. So in the long run we will be better off, but as of right now I am stressing this. I am sure everything will work out!


good luck to you and to all of us!

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Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy View Post
I am so worried now because that is so much money to ask people to spend. My cousin who is a bridesmaid is not coming now sO I am worried that everyone else will back out b/c of the price. I know his people won't but I am concerned about mine!'

If people stay off the resort is there a limit on day passes? Can they only come in the day of your wedding or can they come in whatever day you want? SO MUCH $$$!!!
Don't quote me on this....but I think that you can only have 20% of your wedding party stay offsite. So if you have 50 guests....only 10 can come from off site. **Ladies please correct me if I'm off on the percentage!**

Then those individuals will have to buy a day pass to enter the resort. I believe this is $65 or 75 per day. You will need to verify this amount as well as I don't have my notes handy...just checking in! :)

Good luck. And don't fret too much...the airline rates are liable to go down after the first of the year when the markets slump for a bit. Just keep your eyes on them. Next year is going to be interesting in the stock market which may have a real effect on travel rates domestically and internationally.

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Chelle is right...when you signed your contract you agreed to only allow 20% of the total people booked into the resort come from off resort..... for example if you book 20 people on resort then only 4 people can come from off the resort!


We have 20! 20! of my FI relatives that booked off resort and are now pissed off at US because they may not beable to come to the wedding. I was mad because on our website is says if you stay off resort you aren't guaranteed to get onto the resort even if you pay the $86 per person!!! UGHHHHH and I've had 5 people cancel out in the last 2 weeks

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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
I sent off a question to Claudia and she got back to me right away and told me my coordiantor would be in contact with me soon.

I found this AWESOME confetti-- I don't think I will need 150 cups (maybe we can share Tricia!) EcoFriendly Confetti Biodegradable White Confetti 4 quarts for $6.99 (150 scoops) I wanted to know if they would let us throw it cause it looks really fun-- this site also has REALLY reasonable freeze dried roses to throw!
Ooohh...I'll have to check that out! I hadn't really thought of what they might throw, but if they have a good price on the rose pedals that sounds great!

BTW...I got an email from my WC...Angelica. I'll have to read past posts to see what everyone has to say about her, but I am glad to finally have a contact!!
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Originally Posted by slapsappyhappy View Post
OMG! I just went to the travel agent to officially book my trip and I am in complete shock! For 2 weeks it will be over $6000 for my Fiance and I, a double room for a week including airfare from JFK NY was $3600 (his parents) and his sister with 2 kids were $5800!!!!!! OMGOMGOMG! My FI got upset b/c I said we should just forget it and go on an African safari, lol!

$3600 for 2 people for a week!!!!!!!! I thought August was the low season! I traveled to Russia, China, Mongolia, and Japan for a month and it cost less than 2 weeks at the Moon Palace! My FI insists it wil be okay and not to worry b/c we will get the free room nights (we have almost 10 already) and get at least 4 nights comped but still.

I am stressing b/c with the dress, photography, ceremony, and travel fees this is turning out to be an expensive event. It is still not as much as if it would be if we had it in NY, but still....

I am so worried now because that is so much money to ask people to spend. My cousin who is a bridesmaid is not coming now sO I am worried that everyone else will back out b/c of the price. I know his people won't but I am concerned about mine!'

If people stay off the resort is there a limit on day passes? Can they only come in the day of your wedding or can they come in whatever day you want? SO MUCH $$$!!!
Breath.... I know we've all had our freak-outs! :)

I have guests coming from NY as well and $3600 sounds really high to me. I know my guests aren't paying that much! One thing you might want to look into is Orbitz...our travel agent price matches with Orbitz so whichever price is less, hers or Orbitz, that's the fee we get through her. Orbitz has been cheaper every time because basically when you book through Orbitz for 2 people, one of the flights is free. To me, when you book through the resort the fees are significantly higher. On Orbitz, you are automatically given either a garden view or an ocean view (I was told you either have to look right or left to see the ocean) or you can upgrade to ocean front (you look straight out to see the ocean) for only $11 more per night. We, as well as most of our guests, chose to upgrade for only $11/night!! Most of our guests are going for 6 days, 5 nights for $2300-$2400 for ocean front plus transfers. Even the ones coming from NY are paying roughly this same price. The downside (which does suck!!!) is that since you are not booking through the resort, as far as I know, you don't get the group discount promotions like the free cocktail hour. We felt that we would rather have each couple save $3-400 by booking through our travel agent at Orbitz fees then get a free $6-800 cocktail hour. We would rather pay more than having our guests pay more (or just forgo the cocktail hour since we are at an all-inclusive resort!) It's at least something you should look into if they are quoting you $3600!! That's way too much and you can definitely get it cheaper!
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Originally Posted by TonyandTricia View Post
Breath.... I know we've all had our freak-outs! :)

I have guests coming from NY as well and $3600 sounds really high to me. I know my guests aren't paying that much! One thing you might want to look into is Orbitz...our travel agent price matches with Orbitz so whichever price is less, hers or Orbitz, that's the fee we get through her. Orbitz has been cheaper every time because basically when you book through Orbitz for 2 people, one of the flights is free. To me, when you book through the resort the fees are significantly higher. On Orbitz, you are automatically given either a garden view or an ocean view (I was told you either have to look right or left to see the ocean) or you can upgrade to ocean front (you look straight out to see the ocean) for only $11 more per night. We, as well as most of our guests, chose to upgrade for only $11/night!! Most of our guests are going for 6 days, 5 nights for $2300-$2400 for ocean front plus transfers. Even the ones coming from NY are paying roughly this same price. The downside (which does suck!!!) is that since you are not booking through the resort, as far as I know, you don't get the group discount promotions like the free cocktail hour. We felt that we would rather have each couple save $3-400 by booking through our travel agent at Orbitz fees then get a free $6-800 cocktail hour. We would rather pay more than having our guests pay more (or just forgo the cocktail hour since we are at an all-inclusive resort!) It's at least something you should look into if they are quoting you $3600!! That's way too much and you can definitely get it cheaper!

I've never understood where they get off charging $400+ for food and drinks at an all inclusive and I agree that I would rather pass the savings onto my guests and forgo the reception.
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we're paying £2200 per person ($3190) for 2 weeks allinclusive at the MP, including return direct flights from the UK. if we'd had booked flights seperately and then booked the rooms through MP direct (to get the free events) i would of cost about £400 per person more! no way jose! shop around, i think you'll get it cheaper.


also, some of my guests are staying off site, but are staying for 2 nights at the MP over the date of the wedding.

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Tell me about it Lou,

Were paying nearlly £5000 per couple because MP has lost the contract with some of the big companies and they know it so the prices have gone up for 2011. Loads of people can't afford to come now because of this. I thought about people stay at a different hotel, but the prices soon add up. Its $80 pp just for a pass for half a day, then the cost of the room on top and even then MP is fairly remote with a taxi to the main town being abou £40 each way the expenses soon mount up.

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