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Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton View Post
You found us!! Welcome! So we didn't get to hear your funniest wedding story so far-- I woke up and hit my FI and said you were suppose to pick that up and he said "What are you talking about?!" I realized it was a dream and said sorry and went back to sleep. lol
hmm funniest wedding story so far...
I don't really have anything too funny...yet...
The resort did cancel my wedding a few months ago - apparently I have booked my date over a big conference so they didn't really want to do weddings that day - too bad for them :) I already had a signed contract so they agreed to do it anyways...

Oh and I do have one bridesmaid that apparently did not know that it's customary to throw a bridal shower for the bride so she informed my other bridesmaids that she didn't feel that she should have to participate in it or pay for anything since she wasn't aware of this event (you can imagine how well that went over with my other bridesmaids). Personally I don't really care if I get one or not I just found it funny how she told the rest of the bridal party "she wasn't aware of this event"

so I guess I do have a few entertaining stories - nothing as good as waking up and beating up on my fiance though wink.gif
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Originally Posted by Shinbinea View Post
hmm funniest wedding story so far...
I don't really have anything too funny...yet...
The resort did cancel my wedding a few months ago - apparently I have booked my date over a big conference so they didn't really want to do weddings that day - too bad for them :) I already had a signed contract so they agreed to do it anyways...

Oh and I do have one bridesmaid that apparently did not know that it's customary to throw a bridal shower for the bride so she informed my other bridesmaids that she didn't feel that she should have to participate in it or pay for anything since she wasn't aware of this event (you can imagine how well that went over with my other bridesmaids). Personally I don't really care if I get one or not I just found it funny how she told the rest of the bridal party "she wasn't aware of this event"

so I guess I do have a few entertaining stories - nothing as good as waking up and beating up on my fiance though wink.gif
Funny how the people we think are nearest and dearest to our hearts can be so far away when we need them. I had to unvite a friend a few months ago.. she would rudely attack other people that were coming to the wedding. She was one of those that finds nasty words about everyone and those words get spoken. It ended ugly and I felt bad for a few weeks. She stalked me for about a month, it didn't get handled the way I had hoped. I wish I could change the manner in which I handled it, not that it happened.
Unfortunately sometimes these things have to be dealt with. Good Luck hun... maybe you can ignore her.
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SusieQ- I agree...I'd love to see your dress too!! And I think Shellk is right...when I finally tried on "the one" there were no tears, goosebumps, and I was only 90% sure it was "the one." I think I had been watching too much "Say, yes to the dress" that I thought it was supposed to be so much more. Maybe that's how you're feeling. I think it would be a good idea to try it on for your girlfriend (and show us) so that you get pumped up about it again!!


Shellk- I don't know what the standard is on how many don't show up, but last year my friend got married and 305 RSVP'd and only 250 showed up...at $40/person that was an extra $2200!!! I couldn't believe how rude people are sometimes! I would guess with a smaller group of 100? you probably couldn't count on too many people not showing, but I'm not really sure...

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Originally Posted by TonyandTricia View Post
SusieQ- I agree...I'd love to see your dress too!! And I think Shellk is right...when I finally tried on "the one" there were no tears, goosebumps, and I was only 90% sure it was "the one." I think I had been watching too much "Say, yes to the dress" that I thought it was supposed to be so much more. Maybe that's how you're feeling. I think it would be a good idea to try it on for your girlfriend (and show us) so that you get pumped up about it again!!

Shellk- I don't know what the standard is on how many don't show up, but last year my friend got married and 305 RSVP'd and only 250 showed up...at $40/person that was an extra $2200!!! I couldn't believe how rude people are sometimes! I would guess with a smaller group of 100? you probably couldn't count on too many people not showing, but I'm not really sure...
Holy crap I'd freak if that many people said yes and didn't show....That isn't happening to Shells... Oh she'd kick ass
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Originally Posted by SusieQ View Post
Unfortunately sometimes these things have to be dealt with. Good Luck hun... maybe you can ignore her.
I'm not too worried about it - She's my Fiance's little sister so I can't really ask her not to come :P but really at the end of the day she is just making herself look like an ass and my getting all worked about it won't solve anything...

Besides - it would be a pretty dull wedding if the bridal party didn't cause a little drama along the way :)

Other than some minor girl drama I think I am pretty much on top of things. My dress is done - just waiting on the alterations, FI's suit is pretty much done (needs to be tailored and he needs a tie but other than that he's good), Bridesmaid dresses are done - I'm going in tomorrow to see what they look like in person, groomsmen are kinda done (they know what to get...now they just need to get it).

Rings are done, Wedding Ceremony is booked, Honeymoon is confirmed...
so really my stress level is pretty low right now (which is maybe why I am willing to not let my bridesmaids issues bother me)

How is everyone else doing?
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Greetings from Japan!!!




Tokyo is an awesome city, we have had a great time but today is our last day here. We leave tonight to head back to China. So sad, I have really enjoyed being here! Here's some pictures!


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Day 1 - Arrived in Tokyo at 9pm - Ate dinner in Shinjuku

Day 2 - Took the train to Kamakura to see Japan's Largest Buddha, visited the Roppongi area and had dinner and drinks with friends.

Day 3 - Did some shopping in Harajuku and gawked at the interesting Japanese girls that had blue hair, some dressed as maids or school girls, Some dressed from head to toe in pink. Saw many dogs that were dressed up in outfits and were being pushed in baby strollers. Had dinner at a Okonomiyaki restaurant.

Day 4 - Last minute shopping in Shinjuku and then taking the train to Narita Airport.


Miss you girls, I'll catch up with you later! smile78.gif




~ Erica

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