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"So You Think You Can Dance" Fall 2009


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I'm finally caught up on all three shows since auditions. Legacy I have to admit is my fav right now as well as Russell. I like comeback stories.

As much as Nigel acts like a jerk sometimes, he is spot on with criticism! The dancing/acting world is full of harsh judgements and let downs and those people don't sugar coat anything. You're either IN or you're OUT. Nigel's reality based criticisms are going to prepare these young people to be strong when they are turned down for a gig or when someone critiques their work. He gives useful advice even though his delivery may seem harsh.

I'm liking Adam Shankman more and more. And I miss the guest panel member.

I CAN'T BELIEVE Mia is gone. I will say that Stacey Tucci is quickly replacing her. Her choreography is amazing! That routine with Legacy and Kathryn seemed like it was in reverse! Like someone had pressed "rewind"! Her movement is awesome!

It was sad to find out that girl who auditioned with her husband is now getting a divorce. That sucks.

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I just haven't been WOWED yet...last season there were so many OMG NO WAY THAT JUST HAPPEND moments...and there hasn't been any yet...I haven't even gotten any favorites yet...hmm...I'll give it a few more weeks, but I'm kind of bummed. Maybe its because the judges hyped up how good this season was going to be and its been eh so far...

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Another week goes by and I still don't feel connected with this season. I had really hoped that 6 would be better than 5 but in all honesty, I think the last time I truly had a favorite or felt wowed was in Season 4. I mean, S4 I had a favorite from day 1 (Twitch) and everyone else was SOOO likeable and so good, I just don't see that again this season. I also think that the judges are being too nice sometimes. I was not impressed at all with Mollee and Nathan last night but they got positive comments. Was it better than the previous week, ofcourse, how could it not be when the Samba they did was AWFUL, but it still wasn't great. And for Nigel to say that Nathan has the potential to be the best boy they have ever seen, I think he's delusional and they just like to use that "the best ever" phase too often and loosely. I mean, look at someone like Travis who was exceptional at everything in S2 and now his choreography just blows me away, and I don't think Nathan could surpass that. I just wish Travis' choreography could be danced by better dancers. Ryan and Ellenore again, were good, but I think the judges exaggerated how good. I think you could even see some of the disappointment in the choreographers themselves, like Tyce. The judges gave Channing and Victor good reviews but Tyce did not seem all that excited about what they did with his choregraphy. You can tell when Tyce is excited, he doesn't hide it. He just seemed like "mehhh" last night.


So far if FORCED to chose a favorite, I'd pick Russell for the boys and Katherine for the girls, but even they don't always wow me. I hope things pick up in the top 10. It took a while in Season 5 too but eventually Jeanne and Phillip(even though he wasn't top 10) won me over, so maybe someone will jump out at me soon.

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I'm sticking with it.


I have noticed more and more the judges' sutble ways of influencing the voters. They say "when you are in the top 10" vs. "if you make it to the top 10". They also gloss over mistakes if they like the couple - for example, the final lift that Legacy and Kathrine did, just did not work. She didn't get a hold of her ankle and it looked like he kind of dropped her, but the judges were saying how great they were.


I'm wondering if they threw Kevin & Karla? under the bus last night after last week when Mollee and Nathan should have been in the bottom.


I think the bottom 3 will be Kevin & Karla? Is that her name? I keep forgetting. Channing and Victor, and I can't figure out the last one. It's probably someone really good that just lost the popularity contest.

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Well, for the most part I agreed with the bottom 3, Kevin and Karen, Channing and Victor and Mollee and Nathan, but......I don't agree with which girl ended up going home. I think Channing is a gorgeous dancer and deserved to stay to come out of her shell a little more. I think Karen proved in that Broadway routine that she is a "good" dancer but the main thing she has going for her is her sex appeal. Just a little disappointed in the judges choices. I agree with Erin, they seem to be trying to lead people along dropping lines about who's gonna be top 10 and are going easier on couples that they like.

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