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BDW Biggest Loser ~ Season 7


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Originally Posted by nsbride2010 View Post
Congrats Kelly! yahoo! :)

I can't help but notice our little group is dwindling... sad.gif
HAHA! So its like the real biggest loser! And you will all be voted off! HAHA! (in my most sinnister evil person laugh) I will be the only one standing and although I haven't really lost any weight I will still be the winner! wink.gif
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Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ View Post
HAHA! So its like the real biggest loser! And you will all be voted off! HAHA! (in my most sinnister evil person laugh) I will be the only one standing and although I haven't really lost any weight I will still be the winner! wink.gif
Not if I have anything to say about it!! MOUHAHAHAHAHA! <3

I say tomorrow we have a water challenge, what does everyone think??
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Originally Posted by nsbride2010 View Post
Oh no!! That's awful, but I can beat it.... in my community, there is a junior high school that had 26% f its population call in sick today, and they suspect its H1N1 (swine flu)... aycarumba!!! haha
Oh no! My husband's good friend was diagnosed with swine flu yesterday! I didn't believe him at first. lol But I guess its true.

Thanks girls, its a false win because I gained last week and just lost that weight again, but I'll take it! lol Keep it up ladies. And I'm totally up for a water challenge. :)
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