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First Entry!



I've never written a blog before, and I'm not quite sure what a blog is supposed to be like. I'm just going to go with my heart and write what comes naturally to me. The reason I wanted to do this is because I wanted to chronicle my journey down the aisle (or the beach I guess since that's what we're planning).


I have a type A personality and thrive off of organization, structure, and feeling like I'm in control of the situation. Seems odd that someone like me would want a destination wedding, right? My fiancee has taught me to loosen up a little and take things as they come and just enjoy life as it happens. We fell in love with the idea of a destination wedding after our first trip to Cuba in April, 2013. It was our first time on a plane and out of the continent. We instantly feel in love with Cuba and visited again in December, 2013. Cuba's natural beauty, warm temperature, stunning beaches, and above all friendly people were all we needed to decide on a destination wedding.


You may notice a lot of posts today and that's because between our engagement and today there have been a lot of developments. Once I found out about the blog function on this site I figured that I could use it to chronicle my wedding. I'm trying to go chronologically from the time we got engaged to today and then afterwards. I want my blog and my life to sound like a story. I'm hoping that maybe other brides can relate to my story and share their own stories too.


Happy Reading!




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