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Completely Stuck On Thank You Note




Let's face it, after an exhausting wedding and two weeks on honeymoon, reality hits you back when you realize you have fifty or more thank you notes to handwrite!



Pre-printed thank you notes? Tacky right? So you turn around asking for help with this unmanageable task.



Well, I just came up with this really cool idea with my colleague at Dream Art Photography. It's called "Guest Book."




The Guest Book it's a tiny little version of your custom Made in Italy Wedding Book (like a Hallmark card but so much better).


I can't imagine a better way to say "Thank you for celebrate our happiness with us" than a compilation of all the emotions of that day captured and held in this little book of love.




Why write a Thank You note when you can show gratitude.


By Vicky Herm

Photos: DreamArt Photography


©DreamArt Photography 2010 - 2016. All Rights Reserved

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