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A Little About The Bride/groom



We met on Craigslist (haha yes you read correct) in March 2010 and neither of us was looking for a relationship however as always with me when I'm not looking for something I find it. We bonded over the love of going to concerts, drinking and doing the nasty haha. But as I stated neither was looking for a relationship since we where not planning on staying in the same state past a year. This part is from my wedding wedding and tells the story of distance.


They met March 2010 and would love to say they were inseparable ever since. However that was not the way things would play out. January 2011 Karryl moved to Staten Island, NY for her internship. Greg was in KY 717 miles away. Then in May 2011 Karryl moved back to KY and they were only 28 miles away from each other. That is until Greg moved to upstate NY one week later for culinary school 771 miles away. Talk about bad timing. In January 2012 Greg had an internship in MD so of course Karryl quit her job in KY packed her car up and they got there first apartment together for 5 great months.


This set the stage and they knew they were on the way to marriage. However they still had more distance in their future Greg moved back to NY and Karryl back to KY. She then got a new Job in MO where they started to talk about getting back into the same house again with his school coming to an end. This took another year since Greg went to NJ for a new externship with Campbell’s. After his 6 months was over they hired him full time in July 2013. The plan before he got hired was to move to MO with Karryl. However as always plans changed and once Karryl’s apt lease was up she quit her job once again and pack her car. She drove 1030 miles to NJ at the end of February. 3 months later they started planning the wedding, went ring shopping and then 6 months later Karryl got her long awaited ring on her finger after 4 years and 8 months of on and off long distance relationship.


All the distance and then the flights to see each other was well worth it though. This gave them an excellent relationship that has been built on trust. Neither one of them ever wanted a long distance relationship but when you find the one! You have to hold on tight and go with the flow. They are extremely happy to have each other and to start the new chapter of their lives together with little to no distance ever again.


So of course it only makes since that the best way to put an end to all the distance in their relationship is to go the distances together all the way for a destination wedding in Jamaica. With any friends and family that goes the distance with us.


Time to pack the sunscreen and grab the passport this wedding is going to be a blast at the Secrets Wild Orchid all-inclusive resort.


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