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Planning A Wedding And The Holidays



Hello again!


So as we are getting closer to the Holiday season, I've had a lot of family start asking what we want for Christmas. Overall, there is absolutely nothing that we need, but our families do not take 'nothing' as an answer! Is anyone else's family like this?!


I am hoping I can get some ideas from you all! I would really like to tell them to save their money and that all we want is for them to attend our wedding in Jamaica in 2016! However, $2000 isn't nearly close to what they would spend on us for Christmas or even all of the holidays combined for 2 years. Is there a nice way that I can say this or hint at it? Or should I come up with some random small things that they can buy us? I considered telling them that they could put the money they were going to spend on us toward something for the wedding like the cake, catering, my dress or his shirt and tie. Again, I'm not sure that they would go for it...




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