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Crazy Crazy Crazy Bridesmaid!!!

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So we have people arriving at various times and dates over the 3 days preceding our wedding. We arrive Wed, like many other people. One of my bridesmaids has been hounding me via text message for the past few days…wanting me to make solid plans. Itâ€s driving me crazy. I would like to be able to meet our guests as they arrive at the hotel, especially family!


Here is a taste of the spamming that I am getting…I have told her numerous times that in no way will we be making solid plans until we are in Jamaica.


“Were you still planning on getting drinking glasses for everyone?†– YES


“â€Were we still planning on having a group outing to Margaritaville? I want to do that. I also want to eat out at least 2 more times. I also want to go on a booze cruise. I will go ahead and book this now, can you just give me the names of the people going?†– OMG we are staying at and ALL INCLUSIVE!!


“I have read that if you tip, you can get into the ala cartes without making resos. I am going to do this every day. You should too.†– Great. Let me just tell my fam to bring a bunch of extra money for that free restaurant.


“Do we have Mammee Bay booked at all for the rehearsal dinner? If not I have to go there, because itâ€s the best.â€â€¦..then a few days later…â€Are we eating at Mammee Bay for your wedding dinner?â€â€¦.then a few days later…. “Where is the rehearsal dinner?†– I donâ€t know. When I know I will tell you. Scratch that, you will find out in Jamaica with all the other guests.


“Are you upgrading your room? I have read bad reviews of the standard rooms. I am going to email the travel agent and have her make them upgrade me. I will tip them if it comes to that.†– Well, we booked a Jr. Suite. That is all we are willing to pay for. If they are nice enough to upgrade us for our wedding, then yey!


“I am going to e-mail this tour guy I found who has room for 12 on his bus. I want to go to the falls Thurs AM so I need to know who else can go. I also want to go into town and shop and go to some restaurants. I want to do this early in the stay vs. late in the stay because of the wedding and packing and stuff (huh.gifhuh.gif) †– Well I have already told you Thurs is probably out. Not changing my stance on commitments!



Those have all been over the past week. There are literally like 30 texts from her, and I thought it was over after a reprieve of a day or two. Then today…


“Do you have anything on for Friday? I really want to swim with the dolphins but itâ€s a rip off. I want to think of all the possible activities for Friday. The last Falls climb is at 4 so we have to go earlier.†– Well, again, we have people coming in on Friday. And our rehearsal at 5:30. I told her MAYBE we can go at 1.


Havenâ€t heard anymore, and wow this is long :-)


Just thought I would give you all and idea of ONE CRAZY BRIDESMAID!! This girl…I just have no words. Such a sweet person, but please, just give me a break. Its not like I havenâ€t been planning a wedding or anything!!

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She would drive me banans..Tell her one more question from her and she will no longer be in the wedding or welcome. She will back off I am sure. Seriously tell her all the pressure is not helping the situation and you are not committing to anything other than what is absolutely essential to wedding plannng. Good luck...I would shut that down right away!!

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Has she ever traveled before? It sounds like she hasn't done much traveling and is trying to do everything at once.

I think you can tell her "I recognize this is a vacation for you and I want you to do whatever you want. Go on a booze cruise, to the falls,etc. You need to recognize that this is also my wedding and a vacation for other people and I can't rope myself or others into obligations right now. We will know more when we get there."

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Oh. My. God. I can totally understand your frustration.


I wonder if she knows how annoying that is. You should copy and paste all her q's into an email and send it to her and be like, "look, i love you and all, but do you realize how much pressure you are putting on me?"

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To me it just sounds like she is uber excited to go. Has she ever been to where you guys are getting married? If I have never been there before i would want to get in as much as possible as well. It is a vacation for her. Do you guys have something planned everyday of your wedding week (or however long you'll be there)?
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Yeah I am kind of at a point where I get annoyed, complain to FI and then we crack up. She is totally excited. This is the same girl that started packing like MONTHS ago. I think that she is really, just excited and sharing it with me. I just keep telling her that I will NOT make any plans, I will not tell her all the wedding plans til we there, and I will not tell her what is in the OOT bags so she doesnt bring duplicates ;-)


She is really Type A. I am too but not nearly that bad. She was like that for the Las Vegas bach party too. Drove everyone crazy.

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