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I am freaking out about my dress!!

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Being as I am on a tight budget I decided that a used wedding gown was probably the best option for me. So I had browsed several used wedding gown sites that came highly recommended by some of the other brides on BDW and I found the dress of my dreams!


The price was a couple hundred more than my budget could afford. I contacted the seller via email to see if she would be willing to lower the price and she was!!!! Yeah! The seller and I spoke for several days about the dress and when I would be able to send the money due to the holiday. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Despite all my good fortune my fiance was sceptical. He told me this was all a sham and I was going to be sorry. Of course I brushed him off and said he had no idea what he was talking about.


On Christmas I sent the seller the money via pay pal. The next day I recieved an email from the seller saying she received the payment and was sending the dress in the mail. And she gave me a tracking number. So here is where I start to freak out. I did not try to check the tracking number that same day I figured all seemed well but last night I did try to check it and it did not work!!! She said she mailed the dress on Friday and last night was Sunday so shouldn't it be in the system by now?!


I emailed her last night to tell her the tracking number wasn't registering. I received an email from her saying that I should receive it in 4-10 days and that the lady from the post office said the tracking number may not be in their system right away. So the seller suggest I try the number again Monday, which is today. Well I have tried and still nothing!!! I emailed her back to let her know and I also asked for a number to reach her at. My fiance is freaking me out telling me I got scammed!!! Please tell me I am over reacting!!!!

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I think you should give it a little more time. I have received things that were mailed from the post office recently and the tracking number didn't work until the damn thing was delivered! If for some reason something does happen, I believe you have some recourse thru paypal to get your money back. I know its hard when you're buying from someone you don't know, but try to give it a little more time (easier said than done I know!).

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Give it some time. A month ago I received a package mailed by USPS registered mail - or was it UPS ? Anyway it was my FI birth certificate. I was going to be home for when the notice said they would come back, and tried to access the site to enter a preferred hour. Well, the printed number on the very notice was never recognized by the online tracking system - nor by the phone system. The package ended up arriving OK. So give yourself a bit more time before freaking out...

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The post office is slow in updating their tracking. I sent a gift to to my sister priority and it only said it "left the post office" for 3 days, even though I sent it priority and it should have arrived in 3 days. Plus, you will be able to get your money back from Paypal should you not receive the item. Just keep your emails.

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I say give it some time too. I had a friend that bought her dress offline and everything went smoothly. I have an extra wedding dress that I would pretty much give away, taking up room. I am sure it is legit that the seller would lower her price to get it out of the way.

Keep us posted.

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I would say give it another few days to track it again and then be concerned if 2 weeks pass and you have not gotten it. USPS unfotunateky gets things delayed espe during the holiday season and so tracking it in the system can be a little nervewracking relative to the wait. Everyting will be fine. Let us know how the dress looks when it comes next week.

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I agree with everyone else - don't panic just yet. You have had a lot of contact with the seller which is good. I'd be worried if she stopped answering you.


This time of year the post office is still crazy busy. Try to limit yourself to checking the status once a day, LOL. I'm sure it will get to you soon!

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I've had trouble with tracking numbers not showing up as well. Just recently I purchased FI's Christmas gift online...they gave me a tracking number & it never did work! Give it a few days...try to remain calm (as hard as I know that is to do right now)...and tell FI to bugger off & stop making this worse on you!! lol

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