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So I am on my second to last DIY and all my stuff is off to Mexico next Wednesday...YEAH! I am stuck. I have designed my First Aid Kit lables and have them on a 3x3.5 template to fit the little box on the front of the box. Whay paper did you guys use and how did you do the corners. The box indentation for the sticker ont he front has slightly rounded corners. Did you leave them square or did you round them. Is there an easy way to do this? I did it square and it looked funny. Then I rounded them with siscors, but it still doesn't look right...please help!



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Thanks Ladies! I was going to see if there was such a thing as rounding corners since I learned after the fact that ther were circle cutters (painful lesson).


I can't PM or email the template as it is huge. I will take a pic (try) tomorrow and post it and if you still want it, I will send it it to you via email if you PM me with your email address which has the size right and the first box filled in with what I chose to do. You will have to cut and paste it into the other boxes on the Word Template (and then center them). Otherwise it is way too big to put it on this site.



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