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How to get OOT bags to destination?

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I need a little help. My FI doesnt want me to buy anything for our OOT bags untill we get to Mexico!!! He thinks that it will be to expensive to fly on the plane with us, and our resort wont allow us to ship anything to them. How are you all getting your OOT bags to your destinations?

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That is not a bad idea. I will think about that one. Im am nervous to wait untill Mexico B/C I dont know the area, and i really just want to kick back on the beach and have a margarita when we arrive, not shop for OOT bag goodies. Thanks for the feedback!

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I just packed them all. I seriously stuffed a bag as full as I could - and then weighed it over and over again on our scale at home to make sure it was okay! My mom offered to take some stuff with but it worked out for us to do it in the end. I would start packing the OOT stuff now - that way you know how much room you have - and sending it with family going down is a great idea also!

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I had a total of 5 suitcases (not all OOT stuff, but a lot of it was) and I distributed stuff among my 3 sisters, mom and 2 of my friends to bring down with them. It was a lot to bring down, but I had no problems getting it there.

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Thanks for all your ideas. I knew that i shouldnt wait, but i just needed some back up when i discuss this again with my FI. I will try to get some of my family to bring some items down for me. And i love the idea of staring to pack now so i know how much room i still have.


Thanks again!!

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Yikes, I would be extremely nervous waiting till you get there. You may not be able to find what you are looking for, and I can almost guarantee you the prices will not be the best. Also,I don't know about you, but the last thing I would want to do when I step off the plane in Mexico is go searching for OOT bag items. I'll be drinkin and partying instead LOL! I guess, just try and pack light and squeeze it all in. ME, My FI, and mom are taking huge bags so we can fit everything :)

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