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Okay i know you guys must be getting tired of looking at boarding pass invites but heres mine. i talked to fi about doing our own invitations but i was starting to change my mind when i saw what a great job Sarah had did on Kat's. But fi designed these pretty much all by himself, i just helped him tweak them a little. Fi did a really great job and so much work. They came out pretty good, they are kind of plain compared to some of the other great ones some of you girls have done. I got the template from the one barefootbride posted a few months back (thanks!). The envelopes, round stickers, and mini folders are from paperpresentation.com, highly recommend them.


Here goes pics:

these are the back of the envelopes, we couldn't decide what sticker we liked best so we used all of them. oringally the stickers were supposed to go on the front of the folders to spice them up a little, but it looked stupid.

Click the image to open in full size.


people going to PC get this one (it's missing the card that goes in folder slot)

Click the image to open in full size.


people not going get this:Click the image to open in full size.


here's the boarding pass:

Click the image to open in full size.


Here's a copy of the insert not all cut up yet, this insert is just for people gong to pc:

Click the image to open in full size.



Here's my template if anyone wants it



danielle and derek boarding pass edited 16.doc

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