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I am really happy with how they turned out! I'm so glad that this project is done!! If anyone wants info on anything let me know... I'm too tired to do anything else tonight!


Okay, it's about a week later and since I've gotten a few PM's about instructions, I'm going to add it to this this post... Please bear with me if I'm not making sense... I had a root canal done on Thursday and I'm totally hopped up on Vicadin (so much more fun than wine!)


Okay, so it all started with a dream... just kidding. It actually started because I wasn't happy with any invitations that I found online or at stores. Nothing said 'me'. I was always planning on using the same lady who did my STD's because she was great and very reasonably priced. Here are the STD's if anyone is interested.



So, I emailed her and told her that I wanted to use teal for the invites but wanted to use the same hibiscus flower theme. I sent her a pic of my bridesmaid dresses so she could match the teal. She emailed me back in less than a week with about 5 different designs! I picked the one that I liked the best and then made some minor tweaks here and there and came up with this:


Click the image to open in full size.


The response cards took me a bit longer because I couldn't decide on which 'yes or no' choices I wanted. She was VERY patient with me!! Finally after 3 or 4 proofs, we agreed on this:

Click the image to open in full size.


Finding these pocketfolds was definitely the hardest part of this venture. For the life of me, I couldn't find a color that matched. I really didn't want to pay $2 a piece but in the end, I sucked it up and pretty much had to. I found these at a store called Archivers. They were $40 for a box of 25. If anyone is looking to use these, I found some great deals at a few other places (they just didn't have the right color). While Envelopements does have a lot of options, they are quite expensive. I got samples from cardsandpocketstore.com and Envelopperinc.com: and I wish that I would have been able to go with either of these companies because they were the same quality but much cheaper and had great customer service. O-well, hopefully someone out there will check them out.


So, I used a Scotch tape runner to glue the invites to the pocketfolds.. but I ran out half through and used a glue stick which worked just as good but was a heck of a lot cheaper. Stuck the postcards in the pocketside and came out with this... Oh and I stamped the postcards with these cute fruit stamps that I found! I was worried because the only other option was a Florida panther! As much a I like big cats... wouldn't really fit the theme here so I lucked out!

Click the image to open in full size.


Next, I had Gwen (shes the lady at .:Hitched Invites-Custom & Pre-Made Wedding Invitations. Invitations. Inspired:.) email me a little logo that she created. I didn't know that I wanted to do this and she already had my invites printed so I just printed these out a kinkos for like $10. And I got the dark blue paper from them too. So I glued those too together with a glues stick.

Click the image to open in full size.


Then I measured and cut a piece of ribbon that I found at Michaels and taped them to the blue thingys... This was a bit challenging and took some trial and error because glue didn't work and then the ribbon kept falling off so we just ended up using scotch tape.

Click the image to open in full size.


If I haven't covered something or if anyone else has any ?'s, please feel free to PMme!


And here is the bottle of wine that I drank while doing them! Hopefully none of them got glued upside down!!shots.gif

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