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Registering tomorrow...any suggestions?

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Expect to be overwhelmed! The first time we went we only registered for three things! We actually spent most of the time looking at everything and figuring out what we wanted.


Most major stores will give you an idea of what types and quantities of certain things (towels, sheets etc) you should be asking for based on the number of bridal showers and number of attendees and the size and type of the wedding.


Expect to have to go back a few times at least..

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I ended up registering at 2 places - Target and Kohls - both have things FI and I could use, and they are cost effective for shower and wedding guests. It can be overwhelming, but I looked at it as a chance to "buy" things that FI and I wouldn't purchase for ourselves, but would be nice to have. I was in the swing of things within the first 30 seconds. Most places will allow you access to your registry online, so you can add and delete items afterward if you realize you've had a "what was I thinking!" type moment.


If you can't drag FI out, don't worry about it. FI didn't want to participate, and I didn't mind since I take care of most of our shopping. Plus, it gave me the chance to pick up items for our DW if I saw them while I was there.


My biggest tip would be to definitely register for gifts in a variety of price ranges. Everything from $5 towels to $89 a piece bedside tables are on our registry. Also register at places your shower/wedding guests will have access to. For example, don't register at Macy's if you family/friends don't live near one, and a good many of them have limited, if any, access to internet.


Have fun!!!

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Be prepared to spend some time there, it's not quite give us a scanner gun and let us do our thing. We got a tour and an overview of Bed Bath and Beyond, it took way longer than we thought. Don't feel like you have to make decisions right then, our sales guy had a series of questions to try to determine "our" style to which he got a lot of "I'm not sure's" from me. Remember, don't expect your FI to be as excited about this as you are, it's still just shopping for him.

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I did two things: Charity Registry first because I didnt want gifts but people start to ask you if you are registered and if you say charity - they may look at you wierd (like they did us) So we registered at an Airlines.

I really cant imagine getting anymore crap for the house. If so, I would end up scanning stuff I really wouldnt use...

Thinking about it... I got so much stuff that I dont already use!

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We registered for things generally in the $20 range so that no one will feel too pressured financially (although admittedly I did register for a Kitchen Aid Mixer and a nice duvet cover - just so that we can get the completion discount!) For wedding china, we registered for a very simple white set, so that it could go casual or formal, and so that we won't t have to register for one casual and one fancy set. Good luck and remember... have fun!

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