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Help with funny t-shirt saying!

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I got the idea from someone (SORRY CANT REMEMBER WHO) and they had t-shirts made for everyone who went.... On the front had a logo and on the back a cute saying ( I think theres was "Still drunk from breakfast") Im trying to figure out a funny saying on the back. I have looked at different websites with no luck, they are all cheesy! Any Suggestions?

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OK, these might be lame. Just brainstorming:


came for the beer, stayed for the wedding.


or came for the beach, stayed for the wedding


what happens in cabo stays in cabo...unless you travel with your friends & family.


...unless there is a wedding videographer


My favorite shirt I bought in Cancun when I was 17 said "save water drink beer." I was drunk at the hotel pool & some guy had it on. I thought it was hilarious so I went across the street to the mall (beer in hand) and bought it.

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Originally Posted by Saraha View Post
I got the idea from someone (SORRY CANT REMEMBER WHO) and they had t-shirts made for everyone who went.... On the front had a logo and on the back a cute saying ( I think theres was "Still drunk from breakfast") Im trying to figure out a funny saying on the back. I have looked at different websites with no luck, they are all cheesy! Any Suggestions?
oh oh oh, those are mine! i'm so flattered that someone remembered blush2.gif
here's a pic:
Click the image to open in full size.
Click the image to open in full size.
feel free to use that one...i always like the infamous "one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor"...shots.gif
i also like morgan's "what happens in cabo stays in cabo - unless you're here w/ family", but i think it's a bit long for a tee.
- Mas tequila, por favor?
- cabo - where there's beer for breakfast
- i'll keep thinking
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Originally Posted by lauren c. View Post
i also like morgan's "what happens in cabo stays in cabo - unless you're here w/ family", but i think it's a bit long for a tee.
- Mas tequila, por favor?
- cabo - where there's beer for breakfast
- i'll keep thinking
I agree it's too long. I was thinking maybe stuff on the front & back. But I don't think it's quite a T-shirt slogan.

If they were for my group of friends I'd have kristen cavaliri (from laguna beach) on them & the slogan "what happens in cabo stays in cabo." We always say that in our best kristin voice. There business never stayed in cabo. Video camera were following them around. It was all over TV. My family wouldn't know what to do with a shirt like that though.
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